Tina-otoge / SuperPanda

A web client to access SadPanda, built on modern technologies and with readable code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SuperPanda is a webclient to access SadPanda (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org).

It works by downloading the web pages then parsing them to extract the information, and then outputs it in templates.

I made this because I was unhappy of the styling capabilities I had with custom CSS, so I decided to rewrite entirely the HTML of the site.

Main features

  • Show tags in grid view by hovering the cover
  • Stripped down titles, hover to show full title
  • Keyboard shortcuts everywhere
  • Theme system
  • Responsive galleries list, use it on desktop, mobile or tablets
  • Go to the first page of a gallery by clicking on the right edge of the cover
  • Distraction free and always full size reader
  • Turn pages using your left hand so you can keep your right hand free đź‘€
  • Easy to read and understand HTML structure and classes, easy custom themes!
  • Entirely exposed JSON API, write your own clients or tools using SuperPanda
  • Open source (and welcoming pull requests!)

Missing features

Those are planned but not done yet.

  • Login to EH accounts using web UI (only manually pasting cookies currently)
  • Adding more settings other than theme, such as layout tweaks
  • Support viewing and posting comments

Keyboard shortcuts reference

Key Page Action
f Everywhere Toggle fullscreen
k/w/z Everywhere Scroll up
j/s Everywhere scroll down
e Galleries list Adds "language:english" to the current search
c Gallery Search galleries by first character
a Gallery Search galleries by first artist
g Gallery Search galleries by first group
p Gallery Search galleries by first parody
a/q/h/left Reader Go to previous page
d/l/right Reader Go to next page
g/backspace Reader Go back to gallery
e/t Reader/Gallery Go back to home


For convenience, there are scripts in the ./scripts/ folder.

To run manually, first of set up a Python virtual environment using your preferred tools, here we'll use venv.

python -m venv .venv

Now install the dependencies in it

# Linux / Mac OS
source .venv/bin/activate
# Windows

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now run with

flask run

Environment variables:

  • You can change the port using FLASK_RUN_PORT
  • You can enable debug mode by setting FLASK_DEBUG
  • You can change the IP address to bind to using FLASK_RUN_HOST


Galleries (home page)


Galleries (dark theme)


A gallery


The reader, pictures always take the full available height of the page


Scrolling on the reader gives more information about the current gallery



A web client to access SadPanda, built on modern technologies and with readable code

License:MIT License


Language:Python 57.0%Language:HTML 20.2%Language:CSS 16.2%Language:JavaScript 6.3%Language:Shell 0.3%