TimoStoff / event_utils

Collection of event based vision utility functions

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Event based vision utility library. For additional detail, see the thesis document Motion Estimation by Focus Optimisation: Optic Flow and Motion Segmentation with Event Cameras. If you use this code in an academic context, please cite:

  author        = {Timo Stoffregen},
  title         = {Motion Estimation by Focus Optimisation: Optic Flow and Motion Segmentation with Event Cameras},
  school        = {Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University},
  year          = 2020

This is an event based vision utility library with functionality for focus optimisation, deep learning, event-stream noise augmentation, data format conversion and efficient generation of various event representations (event images, voxel grids etc).

The library is implemented in Python. Nevertheless, the library is efficient and fast, since almost all of the hard work is done using vectorisation or numpy/pytorch functions. All functionality is implemented in numpy and pytorch, so that on-GPU processing for hardware accelerated performance is very easy.

The library is divided into eight sub-libraries:

└── lib
    ├── augmentation
    ├── contrast_max
    ├── data_formats
    ├── data_loaders
    ├── representations
    ├── transforms
    ├── util
    └── visualization


While the data_loaders learning library contains some code for tensor augmentation (such as adding Gaussian noise, rotations, flips, random crops etc), the augmentation library allows for these operations to occur on the raw events. This functionality is contained within event_augmentation.py.


The following augmentations are available:

  • add_random_events: Generates N new random events, drawn from a uniform distribution over the size of the spatiotemporal volume.
  • remove_events: Makes the event stream more sparse, by removing a random selection of N events from the original event stream.
  • add_correlated_events: Makes the event stream more dense by adding N new events around the existing events. Each original event is fitted with a Gaussian bubble with standard deviation sigma_xy in the x,y dimension and sigma_t in the t dimension. New events are drawn from these distributions. Note that this also 'blurs' the event stream.
  • flip_events_x: Flip events over x axis.
  • flip_events_y: Flip events over y axis.
  • crop_events: Spatially crop events either randomly, to a desired amount and either from the origin or as a center crop.
  • rotate_events: Rotate events by angle theta around a center of rotation a,b. Events can then optionally be cropped in the case that they overflow the sensor resolution. Some possible augmentations are shown below: Since the augmentations are implemented using vectorisation, the heavy lifting is done in optimised C/C++ backends and is thus very fast.

Augmentation examples

Some examples of augmentations on the slider_depth sequence from the event camera dataset can be seen above (events in red and blue with the first events in black to show scene structure). (a) the original event stream, (b) doubling the events by adding random correlated events, (c) doubling the events by adding fully random (normal distribution) events, (d) halving the events by removing random, (e) flipping the events horizontally, (f) rotating the events 45 degrees. Demo code to reproduce these plots can be found by executing the following (note that the events need to be in HDF5 format): python lib/augmentation/event_augmentation.py /path/to/slider_depth.h5 --output_path /tmp


The focus optimisation library contains code that allows the user to perform focus optimisation on events. The important files of this library are: events_cmax.py This file contains code to perform focus optimisation. The most important functionality is provided by:

  • grid_search_optimisation: Performs the grid search optimisation from SOFAS algorithm.
  • optimize: Performs gradient based focus optimisation on the input events, given an objective function and motion model.
  • grid_cmax: Given a set of events, splits the image plane into ROI of size roi_size. Performs focus optimisation on each ROI separately.
  • segmentation_mask_from_d_iwe: Retrieve a segmentation mask for the events based on dIWE/dWarpParams.
  • draw_objective_function: Draw the objective function for a given set of events, motion model and objective function. Produces plots as in below image.
  • main: Demo showing various capabilities and code examples.

Focus Optimisation

Examples can be seen in the images above: each set of events is drawn with the variance objective function (w.r.t. optic flow motion model) underneath. This set of tools allows optimising the objective function to recover the motion parameters (images generated with the library).


This file implements various objective functions described in this thesis as well as some other commonly cited works. Objective functions inherit from the parent class objective_function. The idea is to make it as easy as possible to add new, custom objective functions by providing a common API for the optimisation code. This class has several members that require initialisation:


This file implements warping functions described in this thesis as well as some other commonly cited works. Objective functions inherit from the parent class warp_function. The idea is to make it as easy as possible to add new, custom warping functions by providing a common API for the optimisation code. Initialisation requires setting member variables:

  • name: Name of the warping function, eg optic_flow.
  • dims: DoF of the warping function. The only function that needs to be implemented by inheriting classes is warp, which takes events, a reference time and motion parameters as input. The function then returns a list of the warped event coordinates as well as the Jacobian of each event w.r.t. the motion parameters. Warp functions currently implemented are:
  • linvel_warp: 2-DoF optic flow warp.
  • xyztheta_warp: 4-DoF warping function from Event-based moving object detection and tracking (x,y,z) velocity and angular velocity theta around the origin).
  • pure_rotation_warp: 3-DoF pure rotation warp (x,y,theta where x,y are the center of rotation and theta is the angular velocity).


The data_formats provides code for converting events in one file format to another. Even though many candidates have appeared over the years (rosbag, AEDAT, .txt, hdf5, pickle, cuneiform clay tablets, just to name a few), a universal storage option for event based data has not yet crystallised. Some of these data formats are particularly useful within particular operating systems or programming languages. For example, rosbags are the natural choice for C++ programming with the ros environment. Since they also store data in an efficient binary format, they have become a very common storage option. However, they are notoriously slow and impractical to process in Python, which has become the de-facto deep-learning language and is commonly used in research due to the rapid development cycle. More practical (and importantly, fast) options are the hdf5 and numpy memmap formats. hdf5 is a more compact and easily accessible format, since it allows for easy grouping and metadata allocation, however it's difficulty in setting up multi-threading access and subsequent buggy behaviour (even in read-only applications) means that memmap is more common for deep learning, where multi-threaded data-loaders can significantly speed up training.


The data_formats library provides a packager abstract base class, which defines what a packager needs to do. packagerobjects receive data (events, frames etc) and write them to the desired file format (eg hdf5). Converting file formats is now much easier, since input files now need only to be parsed and the data sent to the packagerwith the appropriate function calls. The functions that need to implemented are:

  • package_events A function which given events, writes them to the file/buffer.
  • package_image A function which given images, writes them to the file/buffer.
  • package_flow A function which given optic flow frames, writes them to the file/buffer.
  • add_metadata Writes metadata to the file (number of events, number of negative/positive events, duration of sequence, start time, end time, number of images, number of optic flow frames).
  • set_data_available What data is available and needs to be written (ie events, frames, optic flow). A packager for hdf5 and memmap is implemented.

h5_to_memmap.py and rosbag_to_h5.py

The library implements two converters, one for hdf5 to memmap and one for rosbag to hdf5. These can be easily called from the command line with various options that can be found in the documentation.


add_hdf5_attribute.py allows the user to add or modify attributes to existing hdf5 files. Attributes are the manner in which metadata is saved in hdf5 files.


read_events.py contains functions for reading events from hdf5 and memmap. The functions are:

  • read_memmap_events.
  • read_h5_events.


The deep learning code can be found in the data_loaderslibrary. It contains code for loading events and transforming them into voxel grids in an efficient manner as well as code for data augmentation. Actual networks and cost functions described in this thesis are not implemented in the library but at the project page for that paper.

data_loaders provides a highly versatile pytorch dataloader, which can be used across various storage formats for events (.txt, hdf5, memmap etc). As a result it is very easy to implement new dataloader for a different storage format. The output of the dataloader was originally to provide voxel grids of the events, but can be used just as well to output batched events, due to a custom pytorchcollation function. As a result, the dataloader is useful for any situation in which it is desirable to iterate over the events in a storage medium and is not only useful for deep learning. For instance, if one wants to iterate over the events that lie between all the frames of a davis sequence, the following code is sufficient:

dloader = DynamicH5Dataset(path_to_events_file)
for item in dloader:


This file defines the base dataset class (BaseVoxelDataset), which defines all batching, augmentation, collation and housekeeping code. Inheriting classes (one per data format) need only to implement the abstract functions for providing events, frames and other data from storage. These abstract functions are:

  • get_frame(self, index) Given an index n, return the nth frame.
  • get_flow(self, index) Given an index n, return the nth optic flow frame.
  • get_events(self, idx0, idx1) Given a start and end index idx0 and idx1, return all events between those indices.
  • load_data(self, data_path) Function which is called once during initialisation, which creates handles to files and sets several class attributes (number of frames, events etc).
  • find_ts_index(self, timestamp) Given a timestamp, get the index of the nearest event.
  • ts(self, index) Given an event index, return the timestamp of that event. The function load_datamust set the following member variables:
  • self.sensor_resolution Event sensor resolution.
  • self.has_flow Whether or not the data has optic flow frames.
  • self.t0 The start timestamp of the events.
  • self.tk The end timestamp of the events.
  • self.num_events The number of events in the dataset.
  • self.frame_ts The timestamps of the time-synchronised frames.
  • self.num_frames The number of frames in the dataset. The constructor of the class takes following arguments:
  • data_path Path to the file containing the event/image data.
  • transforms Python dict containing the desired augmentations.
  • sensor_resolution The size of the image sensor.
  • num_bins The number of bins desired in the voxel grid.
  • voxel_method Which method should be used to form the voxels.
  • max_length If desired, the length of the dataset can be capped to max_length batches.
  • combined_voxel_channels If True, produces one voxel grid for all events, if False, produces separate voxel grids for positive and negative channels.
  • return_events If true, returns events in output dict.
  • return_voxelgrid If true, returns voxel grid in output dict.
  • return_frame If true, returns frames in output dict.
  • return_prev_frame If true, returns previous batch's frame to current frame in output dict.
  • return_flow If true, returns optic flow in output dict.
  • return_prev_flow If true, returns previous batch's optic flow to current optic flow in output dict.
  • return_format Which output format to use (options='numpy' and 'torch'). The parameter voxel_method defines how the data is to be batched. For instance, one might wish to have data returned in windows t seconds wide, or to always get all data between successive aps frames. The method is given as a dict, as some methods have additional parametrisations. The current options are:
  • k_events Data is returned every k events. The dict is given in the format method = {'method': 'k_events', 'k': value_for_k, 'sliding_window_w': value_for_sliding_window}. The parameter sliding_window_w defines by how many events each batch overlaps.
  • t_seconds Data is returned every t seconds. The dict is given in the format method = {'method': 't_seconds', 't': value_for_t, 'sliding_window_t': value_for_sliding_window}. The parameter sliding_window_t defines by how many seconds each batch overlaps.
  • between_frames All data between successive frames is returned. Requires time-synchronised frames to exist. The dict is given in the format method={'method':'between_frames'}. Generating the voxel grids can be done very efficiently and on the gpu (if the events have been loaded there) using the pytorch function target.index_put_(index, value, accumulate=True). This function puts values from value into target using the indices specified in indices using highly optimised C++ code in the background. accumulate specifies if values in value which get put in the same location on target should sum (accumulate) or overwrite one another. In summary, BaseVoxelDataset allows for very fast, on-device data-loading and on-the-fly voxel grid generation.


This library contains code for generating representations from the events in a highly efficient, gpu ready manner. Representations Various representations can be seen above with (a) the raw events, (b) the voxel grid, (c) the event image, (d) the timestamp image.


This file contains several means for forming and viewing voxel grids from events. There are two versions of each function, representing a pure numpy and a pytorch implementation. The pytorch implementation is necessary for gpu processing, however it is not as commonly used as numpy, which is so frequently used as to barely be a dependency any more. Functions for pytorch are:

  • voxel_grids_fixed_n_torch Given a set of n events, return a voxel grid with B bins and with a fixed number of events.
  • voxel_grids_fixed_t_torch Given a set of events and a duration t, return a voxel grid with B bins and with a fixed temporal width t.
  • events_to_voxel_timesync_torch Given a set of events and two times t_0 and t_1, return a voxel grid with B bins from the events between t_0 and t_1.
  • events_to_voxel_torch Given a set of events, return a voxel grid with B bins from those events.
  • events_to_neg_pos_voxel_torch Given a set of events, return a voxel grid with B bins from those events. Positive and negative events are formed into two separate voxel grids. Functions for numpy are:
  • events_to_voxel Given a set of events, return a voxel grid with B bins from those events.
  • events_to_neg_pos_voxel Given a set of events, return a voxel grid with B bins from those events. Positive and negative events are formed into two separate voxel grids. Additionally:
  • get_voxel_grid_as_imageReturns a voxel grid as a series of images, one for each bin for display.
  • plot_voxel_grid Given a voxel grid, display it as an image. Voxel grids can be formed both using spatial and temporal interpolation between the bins.


image.py contains code for forming images from events in an efficient manner. The functions allow for forming images with both discrete and floating point events using bilinear interpolation. Images currently supported are event images and timestamp images using either numpy or pytorch. Functions are:

  • events_to_image Form an image from events using numpy. Allows for bilinear interpolation while assigning events to pixels and padding of the image or clipping of events for events which fall outside of the range.
  • events_to_image_torch Form an image from events using pytorch. Allows for bilinear interpolation while assigning events to pixels and padding of the image or clipping of events for events which fall outside of the range.
  • image_to_event_weights Given an image and a set of event coordinates, get the pixel value of the image for each event using reverse bilinear interpolation.
  • events_to_image_drv Form an image from events and the derivative images from the event Jacobians (with options for padding the image or clipping out-of-range events). Of particular use for cmax where analytic gradients motion models are known.
  • events_to_timestamp_image Method to generate the average timestamp images from Unsupervised event-based learning of optical flow, depth, and egomotion using numpy. Returns two images, one for negative and one for positive events.
  • events_to_timestamp_image_torch Method to generate the average timestamp images from Unsupervised event-based learning of optical flow, depth, and egomotion using pytorch. Returns two images, one for negative and one for positive events.


This library contains some utility functions used in the rest of the library. Functions include:

  • infer_resolution Given events, guess the resolution by looking at the max and min values.
  • events_bounds_mask Get a mask of the events that are within given bounds.
  • clip_events_to_bounds Clip events to the given bounds.
  • cut_events_to_lifespan Given motion model parameters, compute the speed and thus the lifespan, given a desired number of pixel crossings.
  • get_events_from_mask Given an image mask, return the indices of all events at each location in the mask.
  • binary_search_h5_dset Binary search for a timestamp in an hdf5 event file, without loading the entire file into RAM.
  • binary_search_torch_tensor Binary search implemented for pytorch tensors (no native implementation exists).
  • remove_hot_pixels Given a set of events, removes the hot' pixel events. Accumulates all of the events into an event image and removes the num_hot` highest value pixels.
  • optimal_crop_size Find the optimal crop size for a given max_size and subsample_factor. The optimal crop size is the smallest integer which is greater or equal than max_size, while being divisible by 2^max_subsample_factor.
  • plot_image_grid Given a list of images, stitch them into a grid and display/save the grid.
  • flow2bgr_np Turn optic flow into an RGB image.


The visualization library contains methods for generating figures and movies from events. The majority of figures shown in the thesis were generated using this library. Two rendering backends are available, the commonly used matplotlib plotting library and mayavi, which is a VTK based graphics library. The API for both of these is essentially the same, the main difference being the dependency on matplotlib or mayavi. matplotlib is very easy to set up, but quite slow, mayavi is very fast but more difficult to set up and debug. I will describe the matplotlib version here, although all functionality exists in the mayavi version too (see the code documentation for details).


The core work is done in this file, which contains code for visualising events and voxel grids for examples). The function for plotting events is plot_events. \input{figures/appendix/visualisations/fig.tex} Input parameters for this function are:

  • xs x coords of events.
  • ys y coords of events.
  • ts t coords of events.
  • ps p coords of events.
  • save_path If set, will save the plot to here
  • num_compress Takes num_compress events from the beginning of the sequence and draws them in the plot at time t=0 in black. This aids visibility (see the augmentation examples).
  • compress_front If True, display the compressed events in black at the front of the spatiotemporal volume rather than the back
  • num_show Sets the number of events to plot. If set to -1 will plot all of the events (can be potentially expensive). Otherwise, skips events in order to achieve the desired number of events
  • event_size Sets the size of the plotted events.
  • elev Sets the elevation of the plot.
  • azim Sets the azimuth of the plot.
  • imgs A list of images to draw into the spatiotemporal volume.
  • img_ts A list of the position on the temporal axis where each image from imgs is to be placed.
  • show_events If False, will not plot the events (only images).
  • show_plot If True, display the plot in a matplotlib window as well as saving to disk.
  • crop A crop, if desired, of the events and images to be plotted.
  • marker Which marker should be used to display the events (default is '.', which results in points, but circles 'o' or crosses 'x' are among many other possible options).
  • stride Determines the pixel stride of the image rendering (1=full resolution, but can be quite resource intensive).
  • invert Inverts the colour scheme for black backgrounds.
  • img_size The size of the sensor resolution. Inferred if empty.
  • show_axes If True, draw axes onto the plot. The analogous function for plotting voxel grids is:
  • xs x coords of events.
  • ysy coords of events.
  • ts t coords of events.
  • ps p coords of events.
  • bins The number of bins to have in the voxel grid.
  • frames A list of images to draw into the plot with the voxel grid.
  • frame_ts A list of the position on the temporal axis where each image from frames is to be placed.
  • sensor_size Event sensor resolution.
  • crop A crop, if desired, of the events and images to be plotted.
  • elev Sets the elevation of the plot.
  • azim Sets the azimuth of the plot. To plot successive frames in order to generate video, the function plot_events_sliding can be used. Essentially, this function renders a sliding window of the events, for either the event or voxel visualisation modes. Similarly, plot_between_frames can be used to render all events between frames, with the option to skip every nth event. To generate such plots from the command line, the library provides the scripts:
  • visualize_events.py
  • visualize_voxel.py
  • visualize_flow.py These provide a range of documented commandline arguments with sensble defaults from which plots of the events, voxel grids and events with optic flow overlaid can be generated. For example, python visualize_events.py /path/to/slider_depth.h5 produces plots of the slider_depth sequence. Invoking: python visualize_voxel.py /path/to/slider_depth.h5 produces voxels of the slider_depth sequence. \input{figures/appendix/slider_vis/fig.tex} Visualisation Typical visualisations are shown above: the slider_depth sequence is drawn as successive frames of events (top) and voxels (bottom).


Collection of event based vision utility functions

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%