TimOliver / TOPasscodeViewController

A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS

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Rejected by Apple for being too similar to iOS passcode interface

corymayer opened this issue · comments

  • I have read this issue template and provided all possible information.
  • I'm using CocoaPods and have run pod update before filing this issue.

Hardware / Software

Which version of the library were you using? 0.0.2
Which version of iOS are you running? 11.4
What model of iOS device were you testing on? iPhone 8
If using CocoaPods, which version of CocoaPods are you on? 1.5.2


What is the outcome result you want to achieve with this library?

The interface to be different enough from the stock passcode interface to be approved by Apple.

Expected Results

What did you expect to happen?

Approval by Apple.

Actual Results

What happened instead? (Please attach a screenshot/screen recording if possible)

screen shot 2018-06-27 at 10 06 28 pm

Steps to Reproduce

What are the steps needed to reproduce this issue? Submit an app to the App Store with the light theme. Tried updating the title text, and even injecting the app icon into the passcode screen (via addSubview to passcodeView.backgroundView). Still rejected.

If this bug was caused by a specific image, please post it here.

Thanks for filling out the issue template properly @corymayer!

Argghhhh! And I JUST got back from WWDC when I could have asked the App Store team directly about this. I can't believe I forgot.

Dammit. I was afraid this would happen. I was hoping changing the top text and having an icon would be enough, but it looks like it's not.

Usually in the rejection process, you can request that Apple calls you so you can discuss what needs to be changed. If it's not too much of an imposition, can you please ask them to call you? I'm really curious to know which specific aspects they don't like. If the title text doesn't matter, I guess it's the circular buttons.

Thanks for letting me know about this!

Ah, bad timing. We did request a call, but I didn't get a chance to talk to them personally– it was someone else from my team. They had a problem with our title text, which was originally "Please enter your passcode to access [APP_NAME]", and wanted us to change it to "Please enter your organization ID". It seems like they didn't like the word "passcode". They also told us that the keypad resembled the iOS one too closely, but my team member didn't ask for specifics. I'm going to see if they can follow up and ask for more details (I'm currently out of office).

Yep. Murphy's Law at its finest. 😅

Ahh okay. Yeah, I can understand that. I think I did read somewhere that Apple is REALLY touchy about apps using the name "Passcode". I was considering saying in the README that for numerical codes to change it to "Enter your PIN Code".

Okay. I figured as much. They keypad's going to be the main problem. But thanks for that! If you can get any specifics (eg if it really is the circular buttons), that would be fantastic. :)

I'm not sure if it's merged in yet (I'm REALLY behind on my OSS projects right now. 😅), but there's an option to hide the lettering and the border lines. That MIGHT make it visually distinctive enough to pass muster.

In the meantime, I'll definitely start thinking of a complete redesign for this view controller. As fun as it was to recreate the iOS 7 lockscreen effect, it's a pretty lousy library if it can't be used in shipping products.

Hello corymayer,

Did you get approval from apple?

Kindly advice me changes.


Any update on this issue?

Apple gave us a one-time exception, but claimed that any future updates would need to fix this issue. Unfortunately the person who was in contact with Apple still hasn't had a chance to follow up with them. I am on leave for the summer, otherwise I would look into it myself.

@corymayer Thanks for the update Cory!

I'll start looking into redesigning this library as soon as I can. I'm probably going to end up making it look a lot more similar to the keypad in the settings panel (ie rounded rectangles).

We are facing the same issue. Can you please help us how to resolve it.

Hi @tapannathvani! Sorry, I haven't had a chance to get to doing a complete redesign of this thing yet.

Sorry to hear that! If you need to ship ASAP, I've seen other apps get approved if they change the shape of the buttons to something other than circles.

The button shapes are controlled here: https://github.com/TimOliver/TOPasscodeViewController/blob/master/TOPasscodeViewController/Models/TOPasscodeCircleImage.m

For now, you could make a fork, and change it to something else (Like UIBezierPath rounded rectangles) and that should hopefully do it in a pinch.

Good luck!

@TimOliver Thanks a lot for quick reply. Made Rounded Rectangle right now and submitting the same to the apple store.

@TimOliver It works. Apple approved application with Rounded rectangle.

Awesome! Thanks @tapannathvani! I didn't have a clear idea of how much this thing would need to be modified to pass Apple's review, so that was EXTREMELY valuable to hear. Thanks so much! :)