Tim-B / grunt-aws-lambda

A grunt plugin to assist in developing functions for AWS Lambda.

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Hidden files are not packaged

satyasrikantmantha opened this issue · comments

I have a hidden environment file call ".env" which is used to bootstrap environment variables using package "node-env-file", however I notice that the file is not being packaged.

I think you need to update the package code to include, when you make a call to bulk function line 64 tasks/lambda_package.js.

Look for this thread


Thanks for the bug report, I just pushed out a new version which I think will address this. Let me know how you go.

Thanks it works, however it also includes the .npmignore file,
Small update to .npmignore in your documentation, now it should also contain and exclude for this file for packaging:


Thanks for your efforts on this, Nice Job!!