Tiiiger / QPyTorch

Low Precision Arithmetic Simulation in PyTorch

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Simple test error for sum

drcut opened this issue · comments

Hi, I use QPytorch on V100 for cuda9 with pytorch version 1.1.0. I do a simple test but it's error.
Is my understand of Qpytorch using is wrong? Thanks!

import torch
from qtorch.quant import Quantizer
from qtorch.optim import OptimLP
from qtorch import FloatingPoint
import torch.nn as nn
bit_16 = FloatingPoint(exp=5, man=10)
weight_quant = Quantizer(forward_number=bit_16, backward_number=None,
forward_rounding="nearest", backward_rounding="nearest").cuda()
a = torch.rand([10]).cuda()
b = torch.rand([10]).cuda()
res1 = a.half() + b.half()
res2 = weight_quant(weight_quant(a) + weight_quant(b))
assert res1.equal(res2.half())


Hi @drcut , I am looking into this. thank you for pointing out.

Hi @drcut, this is due to a difference between the rounding mode of QPyTorch and PyTorch.

In short, QPyTorch is doing rounding-away-from-zero and PyTorch is doing rounding-to-nearest-even.

If you are not familiar with rounding mode, you can observe this by quantizing these two constants.

QPyTorch: 1.00048828125 -> 1.0010
PyTorch: 1.00048828125 -> 1.0

QPyTorch: 1.00146484375 -> 1.0020
PyTorch: 1.00146484375 -> 1.0020

I am looking into how to conform to PyTorch's standard.

Hi @drcut, this is due to a difference between the rounding mode of QPyTorch and PyTorch.

In short, QPyTorch is doing rounding-away-from-zero and PyTorch is doing rounding-to-nearest-even.

If you are not familiar with rounding mode, you can observe this by quantizing these two constants.

QPyTorch: 1.00048828125 -> 1.0010
PyTorch: 1.00048828125 -> 1.0

QPyTorch: 1.00146484375 -> 1.0020
PyTorch: 1.00146484375 -> 1.0020

I am looking into how to conform to PyTorch's standard.

Thanks! It's really helpful.