TigerGraph-DevLabs / TigerFlow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Docker Status

TigerFlow is a flow chart visual programming language that it is based on Node-Red that comes preconfigured with TigerGraph Storage Nodes. The TigerFlow runtime is lightweight and built on top of Node.js. It takes full advantage of Node.jsโ€™ event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. There is also the added benefit of tapping into the most used programming language โ€” JavaScript!

Features ๐Ÿš€

  • Run standard GSQL Queries
  • Upsert vertices to the Graph
  • Upsert edges to the graph
  • Run queries
  • TigerFlow can accept multi sources and act against multi graphs and multi servers

Tech ๐Ÿš€

TigerFlow uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • [Node-red] - the core on which TigerFlow is based
  • [AngularJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • [Ace Editor] - awesome web-based text editor
  • [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [Express] - fast node.js network app framework

Installation ๐Ÿš€

The TigerFlow can be ran via docker you will need to have docker installed.

pull a local docker image of TigerFlow

docker pull graphflow/tigerflow

Run the container ...

docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v ~/tigerflow-data:/data --name myTigerGraphPipeLine graphflow/tigerflow

Note: ~/tigerflow-data is the folder used for persistent data.

Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.


Needed information to get up and running

Type Value
flow https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zrougamed/medium/main/flows.json
Server ip address our .i.tgcloud.io
Port the RESTPP Port (default : 9000)
User the tigergraph username
Password the tigergraph password
Secret the graph secret


Video Tutorial


Apache 2.0