Tickaroo / tikxml

Modern XML Parser for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No TypeAdapter for class java.lang.String found.

mandrachek opened this issue · comments

I have XML that looks like this:


Every <Node/> only ever has one <Entry/>, but there are multiple <Node/>s.

My model (Kotlin) looks like this:

import androidx.annotation.Keep
import com.tickaroo.tikxml.annotation.Element
import com.tickaroo.tikxml.annotation.Xml

data class ArrayOfNodes( @field:Element var nodes: List<Node>? = null ) {}

data class Node ( @field:Element var entry: Entry? = null ) {}

data class Entry(
    @field:Element(name = "ID")
    var id: String? = null,

    @field:Element(name = "Name")
    var name: String? = null
) {}

I'm using retrofit and have exceptionOnUnreadXml set to false.

I'm getting the following runtime exception:
com.tickaroo.tikxml.TypeAdapterNotFoundException: No TypeAdapter for class java.lang.String found. Expected name of the type adapter is java.lang.String$$TypeAdapter

Upon inspection of the full stack trace, it looks like my ArrayOfNodes and Nodes TypeAdapers are working properly, but as soon as the Entry$TypeAdapter tries to parse the ID, it fails - the "offending" code in the generated type adapter looks like this:

    childElementBinders.put("ID", new ChildElementBinder<Entry>() {
      public void fromXml(XmlReader reader, TikXmlConfig config, Entry value) throws IOException {
        value.setId((String)config.getTypeAdapter(String.class).fromXml(reader, config));

It appears to be failing on the config.getTypeAdapter(String.class).

It appears I should have been using @PropertyElement for the values in the Entry.