The miou of the pretrained model on semantickitty is only about 58.97.
Xavier-wa opened this issue · comments
Huancheng Xiao commented
kingskymoon commented
my results on semantickitti seq 08 is 0.558?
Huancheng Xiao commented
my results on semantickitti seq 08 is 0.558?
you can modify the KNN["use"] to True and try again
Jaywxy commented
my results on semantickitti seq 08 is Acc avg 0.016 IoU avg 0.005 with parameters and ./ -d /mnt/500_SSD/dataset/semantic-kitti/ -m pretrained -p preds -s valid -c 30
postproc parameters
use: False
train: True
params: False # this should be a dict when in use
use: False # This parameter default is false
knn: 5
search: 5
sigma: 1.0
cutoff: 1.0