TiagoCortinhal / SalsaNext

Uncertainty-aware Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The miou of the pretrained model on semantickitty is only about 58.97.

Xavier-wa opened this issue · comments

Nice Work! But I have some problem about the miou of the pretrained model on semantickitty,when I upload the result of evalution,It is only 58.98 but not 59.5

my results on semantickitti seq 08 is 0.558?

my results on semantickitti seq 08 is 0.558?

you can modify the KNN["use"] to True and try again


my results on semantickitti seq 08 is Acc avg 0.016 IoU avg 0.005 with parameters and ./eval.sh -d /mnt/500_SSD/dataset/semantic-kitti/ -m pretrained -p preds -s valid -c 30

postproc parameters

use: False
train: True
params: False # this should be a dict when in use
use: False # This parameter default is false
knn: 5
search: 5
sigma: 1.0
cutoff: 1.0