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gcc flags don't work when using ceedling test:*

lafonso-gnrc opened this issue · comments


To give context, I have a set of unit tests where one function was missing the return statement.

Somehow this passes in unit testing but it fails when running gcov (as in, it runs gcov fine but reports failures) which is weird. I'd expect both to behave the same but that's the main issue I have now.

Regardless, I decided to turn on the plugin warnings_report to be easier to check and add the flags

        - -std=c99
        - -Wall
        - -Werror=return-type
        #- -Werror 
        - -std=c99
        - -Wall
        - -Werror=return-type
        #- -Werror
          - -std=c99
          - -Wall
          - -Werror=return-type

So now I at least have gcov with the same flags, although I still get the different behaviours.
And it throws errors when it's missing return statements, good enough.

But, it doesn't work when doing ceedling clobber test:* for whatever test I want.
It seems the flags are not used in that situation.

I've tried ceedling test:path[dir] and that one takes the flags.

Any advice of what I could be doing wrong to not get compilation flags when running individual tests?

Hi. Are you running 0.31 or one of the 0.32 release candidates? :)


I am using a snapshot, ceedling-0.32.0-164e950.

If you run as ceedling --verbosity=debug clobber test:blah where blah is a filename you want to run, it's not using the specified flags when compiling blah.c?

--verbosity=debug doesn't seem to work so I used verbosity[4]

It does not show the specified flags. Double checking with ```test:path[]``, I can seel all the flags. I can see this at the start

gcc.exe -std=c99 -Wall -Werror=return-type

Thanks... and sorry about the wrong verbosity flag. It just changed recently and I wasn't sure which you had.

This definitely looks to be a bug. I don't know if you have the bandwidth to help debug it, but if you do, can you try this:

In the Ceedling gem (depending on your OS, you might be able to find it using which ceedling), you want to open the file rules_tests.rake. Somewhere around line 30, you'll see this:

namespace TEST_SYM do
    #:context        => TEST_SYM,    <---- yours doesn't start with # but try adding it and saving this file
    :test_compiler  => TOOLS_TEST_COMPILER,
    :test_assembler => TOOLS_TEST_ASSEMBLER,
    :test_linker    => TOOLS_TEST_LINKER,
    :test_fixture   => TOOLS_TEST_FIXTURE

See if that makes any difference to your setup?

I'm running it on windows because IAR and avoid switching between filesystems. gem which ceedling works for it.

This is what mine looks like initially

namespace TEST_SYM do
    :test_compiler  => TOOLS_TEST_COMPILER,
    :test_assembler => TOOLS_TEST_ASSEMBLER,
    :test_linker    => TOOLS_TEST_LINKER,
    :test_fixture   => TOOLS_TEST_FIXTURE

Changed to this and ran ceedling again. can-t really tell any difference in behavior or flags in verbosity.

namespace TEST_SYM do
    :context        => TEST_SYM,
    :test_compiler  => TOOLS_TEST_COMPILER,
    :test_assembler => TOOLS_TEST_ASSEMBLER,
    :test_linker    => TOOLS_TEST_LINKER,
    :test_fixture   => TOOLS_TEST_FIXTURE

Thanks. You can switch it back. I'm going to try to replicate your issue here and see if I can figure out what's going on. :)

thank you, I appreciate it

Are you in a position to update to the latest release candidate? I don't see anywhere that we should have fixed this issue specifically, but I also am unable to reproduce it using the latest release candidate.

I might get a chance to try this at some point, maybe only over the weekend

I tried doing this on WSL to not break my windows build environment. It had already a ceedling version installed.

I've done sudo gem install --local <path> with release candidate [0.32.0-25f0aa4]. It doesn't seem able to identify the project as a ceedling project and I get these errors when doing ceedling help

🪲 ERROR: Plugin 'stdout_pretty_tests_report' not found in built-in or project Ruby load paths. Check load paths and plugin naming and path conventions.
🪲 ERROR: Plugin 'warnings_report' not found in built-in or project Ruby load paths. Check load paths and plugin naming and path conventions.

I got to try this in a fresh install and project at some point. In general it seems like I randomly get features disabled/broken depending on the release candidate I try, probably due to already have previously installed versions.

You'll want to check the release notes, particularly the file in the docs folder called The plugins you're referencing above have been replaced with new versions with a more consistent naming convention.

In this case, the plugins you want are the following:

  - report_build_warnings_log
  - report_tests_pretty_stdout