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White page - no indication of errors in logfiles

TwizzyDizzy opened this issue · comments

Hi folks,

this is pretty odd. Out of the blue, my selfhosted thinkup instance stopped working. When going to


the only thing I get is an empty, white page (no html returned whatsoever) with a status code 200. No logs seem to contain any information about what may have gone wrong. I have checked this against the current master branch as well as against some older release (from I date when it definately still worked). I'd appreciate any clue you might be able to provide.

  • no indication of any sort in apache error log
  • no indication of any sort in thinkup logfiles, though they are configured (in fact they don't even get created)
  • even ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL) does not provide any clue.

Here's my configuration:

$THINKUP_CFG['app_title_prefix']                 = "";
$THINKUP_CFG['site_root_path']            = '/thinkup/webapp/';
$THINKUP_CFG['source_root_path']          = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
$THINKUP_CFG['datadir_path']              = $THINKUP_CFG['source_root_path'] . 'data/';
$THINKUP_CFG['timezone']                  = 'Europe/Berlin';
$THINKUP_CFG['cache_pages']               = false;
$THINKUP_CFG['use_db_sessions']               = true;
$THINKUP_CFG['cache_lifetime']               = 600;
$THINKUP_CFG['rss_crawler_refresh_rate']  = 20;
$THINKUP_CFG['mandrill_api_key'] = '';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_host']                   = 'localhost'; //On a shared host? Try, or see your web host's documentation.
$THINKUP_CFG['db_type']                   = 'mysql';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_user']                   = 'thinkup';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_password']               = '***';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_name']                   = 'thinkup';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_socket']                 = '';
$THINKUP_CFG['db_port']                   = '';
$THINKUP_CFG['table_prefix']              = 'tu_';
$THINKUP_CFG['log_location']              = $THINKUP_CFG['datadir_path'] . 'logs/crawler.log';
$THINKUP_CFG['log_verbosity']             = 0;
$THINKUP_CFG['stream_log_location']       = $THINKUP_CFG['datadir_path'] . 'logs/stream.log';
$THINKUP_CFG['sql_log_location']          = $THINKUP_CFG['datadir_path'] . 'logs/sql.log';
$THINKUP_CFG['slow_query_log_threshold']  = 2.0;
$THINKUP_CFG['debug']                     = true;
$THINKUP_CFG['enable_profiler']           = true;
$THINKUP_CFG['set_pdo_charset']           = false;
