TheWidlarzGroup / react-native-video

A <Video /> component for react-native

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG]: Notification Control is not visible in 6.2.0

MTPL0005-AbhishekDube opened this issue · comments



What platforms are you having the problem on?


System Version

iOS 17.5.1

On what device are you experiencing the issue?

Real device


Old architecture

What happened?

In the iOS the notification control is not visible when showNotificationControls is set true.

<Video bufferConfig={{ minBufferMs: 15000, maxBufferMs: 50000, bufferForPlaybackMs: 2500, bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs: 5000, cacheSizeMB: 0, }} // fullscreen={fullscreen} muted={muted} onAspectRatio={this.onAspectRatio} onAudioTracks={this.onAudioTracks} onBuffer={this.onBuffer} onEnd={this.onEnd} onLoad={this.onLoad} onLoadStart={this.onVideoLoadStart} onProgress={this.onProgress} onReceiveAdEvent={this._onReceiveAdEvent} onTextTracks={this.onTextTracks} paused={paused} pictureInPicture={false} playInBackground={true} playWhenInactive={true} poster={courseImage} posterResizeMode="cover" preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback={true} rate={rate} ref={(ref) => { this.videoPlayerRef = ref; }} resizeMode={ResizeMode.CONTAIN} selectedAudioTrack={selectedAudioTrack} selectedTextTrack={selectedTextTrack} showNotificationControls={true} source={{ uri: url, metadata: { title: title, artist: mentorName, imageUri: courseImage, }, }} style={fullscreen ? styles.fullscreen : styles.inlineScreen} volume={volume} />


repository link


<Video bufferConfig={{ minBufferMs: 15000, maxBufferMs: 50000, bufferForPlaybackMs: 2500, bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs: 5000, cacheSizeMB: 0, }} // fullscreen={fullscreen} muted={muted} onAspectRatio={this.onAspectRatio} onAudioTracks={this.onAudioTracks} onBuffer={this.onBuffer} onEnd={this.onEnd} onLoad={this.onLoad} onLoadStart={this.onVideoLoadStart} onProgress={this.onProgress} onReceiveAdEvent={this._onReceiveAdEvent} onTextTracks={this.onTextTracks} paused={paused} pictureInPicture={false} playInBackground={true} playWhenInactive={true} poster={courseImage} posterResizeMode="cover" preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback={true} rate={rate} ref={(ref) => { this.videoPlayerRef = ref; }} resizeMode={ResizeMode.CONTAIN} selectedAudioTrack={selectedAudioTrack} selectedTextTrack={selectedTextTrack} showNotificationControls={true} source={{ uri: url, metadata: { title: title, artist: mentorName, imageUri: courseImage, }, }} style={fullscreen ? styles.fullscreen : styles.inlineScreen} volume={volume} />

Also give following log in Xcode terminal

RNV:setSrc Stopping playback
Error occurred: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50.)
Error occurred: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50.)
Error occurred: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50.)
Error occurred: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50.)

@MTPL0005-AbhishekDube can it be a duplicate of #3890 ?

I have my notification controls initially and always set to true on 6.2.0 on iOS and the notification show right away when video starts on my physical device using 17.5.1.

I would suggest simplifying the props you're using on the video player and or try the source you're using in the example/basic. You can build the basic example in xcode into an ipa file and test that on your physical ios device.

@paulrinaldi I haven't done any changes in by code before it was showing the the notification controls.

@MTPL0005-AbhishekDube can you please test 6.3.0 ? the ticket I linked is fixed in this version.