TheTurkeyDev / Pi-Deck

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Steps for manually setting up: Must have a way to connect to the pi over wifi/ethernet

  1. Flash Raspberry Pi OS Lite onto an SD card
    • Lite because we will manually install the Desktop since we really don't need the full OS
  2. Enable SSH
    • Create a file named ssh
    • Also setup wpa_supplicant here if needed
  3. Enable Serial over USB
    • In config.txt append dtoverlay=dwc2 to the end
    • In cmdline.txt append modules-load=dwc2,g_serial on the same line after rootwait with a single space between the two.
      • NOTE: if you see something like quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/ after rootwait, just insert it between the two, but still making sure there is a single space between everything
  4. Put the SD card and power up the pi
  5. SSH to the pi with ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  6. Add Desktop to the OS
    • Just to be safe
      • sudo apt update
      • sudo apt upgrade
      • sudo apt dist-upgrade
    • Xorg
      • sudo apt install xserver-xorg
    • PIXEL Desktop
      • sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods
    • LightDM
      • sudo apt install lightdm
    • Auto Login
      • sudo raspi-config
      • Change Boot Options -> Desktop / CLI -> Desktop Autologin
    • Reboot
      • sudo reboot
  7. Setup HyperPixel screen (If applicable)
    • In a terminal run sudo curl | bash
    • Reboot
      • sudo reboot
    • Rotate Screen If needed
      • hyperpixel4-rotate right
      • sudo reboot
  8. Disable Screen sleep
    • Run sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
      • In the file add
      @xset s noblank
      @xset s off
      @xset -dpms
  9. Setup PiDeck to run on startup
    • Make a service
      • sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/pideck.service
      • Set the file contents to
      Description=PiDeck pi application
      ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/pideck/
      • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      • sudo systemctl enable pideck.service
      • Reboot again...
        • sudo reboot



Language:Java 94.8%Language:Python 5.2%