TheRustyPickle / Rex

TUI program for keeping track of incomes and expenses, created with Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add the option to enable/disable chart data points

TheRustyPickle opened this issue · comments

The chart renders all the tx method data at once. Perhaps another row can be added with all the tx method names where they can be enabled or disabled on perhaps Space or Enter press.

  • Add a new row that will show all tx method
  • The new row will be selectable/cyclable similar to how the other rows are
  • Default all methods will be selected
  • Selected methods should have a different color
  • Will become hidden on double 'r' press as it happens on the chart page right now
  • Selected methods should be saved in a vector(?) or something similar and passed to the chart UI where it will render based on that. Should ignore all data points if not selected

If anyone wants to contribute, feel free to comment here! Partial contribution toward this will be accepted. Will provide a guide and info as necessary.