TheRedSpy15 / LTECleanerFOSS

The last Android cleaner you'll ever need!

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Daily Clean running when toggled off

opusforlife2 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

The Daily Clean scheduled service runs even though the toggle in settings is off.

To Reproduce

  1. Turn off Daily Clean in settings.
  2. Wait until you get a notification saying it has finished running.

Expected behavior

The app should respect the setting.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Mi 5
  • OS: LOS 17.1

which store did you download from and what app version?

should be fixed already. I think fdroid is behind

Apparently not the case here. F-Droid is on 4.9.5, which is the latest release version.

Also, maybe you could include App Store and App Version in your issue template?

Also, maybe you could include App Store and App Version in your issue template?

I actually updated the template right after you posted this issue

Some people are reporting the app starts with the phone, is that what's happening to you? Or is it displaying a notification that is showing that it did a clean?

If its that latter, then try turning the setting on, then off again. The app doesn't constantly check the setting, only when that button is pressed

the app starts with the phone

Or is it displaying a notification that is showing that it did a clean?

Both. After a restart, even if I never open the app manually, at some point in the day I get a notification that it ran.

I already tried the toggle switching when I first encountered the problem. It hasn't gone away.

I tried all the steps with 4.9.7 as well. No dice.

I also have the latest version 4.9.7 from fdroid with cleaning disabled, but it cleans daily (notification)

Currently visiting family for the holidays so updates maybe a little slow. But I have a fix in mind that I should have out by tomorrow

I've also the same issue with version 4.9.7.

And I'm looking forward to the fix.

had this issue also - cleared the cache and data seems to have fixed the problem

I came to report this bug, but I see it has already been reported. The bug is still active.