TheOfficialFloW / modoru

Vita downgrader

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vita in bootloop

scullys opened this issue · comments

I used the wrong file (factory was 3.65, but the target was 3.60) and now my Vita is stuck in a bootloop. Is my Vita permanently bricked? I’ve tried resetting and trying everything on safe mode but it doesn’t do anything.

modoru should prevent you from downgrading to a lower version than the factory version.

is there anything i can do? i tried all options on safe mode to no avail.

Hold L while booting...

after realizing my mistake i realize that i quit the app, but it continued with updating

holding L doesn't do anything either, i had done that earlier

Please explain your situation again. Did you abort the update process (while in the green app)? When booting up d you see the logo when booting up, does the PS button show blue?

I quit the app while it was on the moduru app, but it continued onto the the green app, I was holding the power button down in an attempt to cancel it. The PS Button does not flash blue when it boots up.

Well that‘s your fault, for sure the console will brick if you power off while updating. Your factory firmware wasn‘t 3.65 then, otherwise it wouldn‘t have been possible to start the update. Good job bricking your console because of your fear of bricking it.