TheOfficialFloW / NoNpDrm

A plugin that allows you to bypass DRM protection on any PS Vita content

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gamecard content copies over ux0:/app/TITLE_ID won't work

thaikhoa opened this issue · comments


What I did

copy the gamecard content from gro0:app/TITLE_ID to ux0:/app/TITLE_ID
rename 6488b73b912a753a492e2714e9b38bc7.rif (once dump when playing it on the first place) to work.bin and copy to ux0:/app/TITLE_ID/sce_sys/package/

Play the game and it won't run, error code C0-11136-2 You must download the application again from Download List in PS Store.

Thanks for the amazing plugin.

Got it to work when copying the fake license to ux0:/license.

The work.bin won't need for gamecard dump to work.

Sorry for that.

That's because you did not refresh livearea

Some of the game cards doesn't have a work.bin at all, like YS viii Asian version. It has a license folder within grw0: