TheLastGimbus / GooglePhotosTakeoutHelper

Script that organizes the Google Takeout archive into one big chronological folder

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I couldn't find any D: reasons for this may be:

hpsof opened this issue · comments

what might be wrong? repeated the process with different settings and exports: always same message


stupid question: does this really match to one of my year folders?

would following not deliver a successful match ?

  • year-folder: takeout-20240509T051501Z-001

  • (19|20)\d{2} <== year any from 19[00] up to 20[99]

  • (0[1-9]|1[1,2]) <== month [00 to 12]

  • (0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) <== day [01 to 31]

Look at visual guide in README once again. You need to end up with just a single folder named "Takeout", with bunch of "Photos from ..." inside it


thats what i did, see above:


so i do not understand, whats not according to the instructions in the README ???

oke. the problem was this:
checking the takout on google there was now one file more... (i.e. there is a no. 22 shown in the meantime)

when i got the message from google, "export done" there where 21 export-files (yes the whole is a large export. i have about 528 albums | 67402 pictures)

after downloading 21 and 22 again, adding the extract to AllTakeouts folder, the command succeeded:
D:\google-photos-takeout>gpth-windoza.exe -i AllTakeouts -o "photos-for-import" --albums duplicate-copy --skip-extras --guess-from-name --copy

Guessing dates from files : ███████████████████████████████████████. 4915/4972
Finding albums (this may take some time, dont worry :) ...
Coping photos to output folder : ████████████████████████████████████████ 4972/4972

Skipped 1570 extras
Couldn't find date for 53 photos/videos :/

Last thing - I've spent a ton of time on this script -
if I saved your time and you want to say thanks, you can send me a tip:
Thank you ❤