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A functionality problem to be solved.

Dariosky-01 opened this issue · comments

the functionality that resides in the Foundry menu under:
"Check for updates" in the "help" menu starts a search for Foundry updates that never ends if there is no internet connection.

If this problem exists it is because there is no algorithm that tells when to start the search for updates after detecting the internet connection, giving the ok to start the search for the update only when the PC is connected to the internet, and ceasing the search in case the server where it would connect is off-line for various reasons.

Without this algorithm currently if you click on the menu item it is impossible to exit the search program started so I am of the opinion that once clicked, apart from the algorithm that should be created, it should be possible to immediately cancel the search simply by closing a new open window, one that opens accordingly to the update control command started, made for the sole purpose of showing a spinning ring representing the process being processed and where this new window represents the search program started giving way to have mastery of what happens by allowing the user to close this to terminate the process even when the user chooses it for his own will.

In practice, I mean that there should be something controllable beyond the algorithm that automatically checks the online status of the PC and the server because you could also decide to immediately cancel the command even if the internet line works.
Of course another dialog box should pop up almost immediately if it can't find the working internet connection on your PC, that one says it can't connect to the system because the internet connection is missing, so the other window with the ring should just represent the process search started because the internet line exists and works.