TheIronBorn / simd_prngs

A collection of SIMD PRNGs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Are you planning to publish this?

svenstaro opened this issue · comments

Or are you trying to get this merged into rand?

It’s more just a research project, hoping eventually to merge a couple into Rand. If you like I could publish it

I mean these are probably the fastest Rust RNGs out there right now so why not? I know of no crate featuring more SIMD implementations than this one. Alternatively, you could publish it as a fork of rand (perhaps called rand-simd) for now as that would serve your research purpose and it would also make it easier for rand to merge your stuff.

@TheIronBorn I think this is worth publishing. If you want to make this more "stable" we could move this crate into the packed_simd repo (still as its own crate, but part of the workspace) so that changes to packed_simd don't break it.

I've got some changes coming, then I'll look into publishing