TheEpicBlock / smunnel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Smunnel does not affect other entities, and weird gravity

walksanatora opened this issue · comments

so if you shoot a arrow through a smunnel it goes the distance it would in the real world
(which in smunnel wouulc mean hyper-sonic arrow or arrow frozen in 1 spot)
and gravity does not appear to work in 1-block thick smunnels as it can send you half-way into a smunnel if you jump
i think this is because it uses your feet to detect if you are in a smunnel
falling through a smunnel also is a bit too slow, may want to change how the gravity speed is calculated

It should work with other entities, just not arrows. Vertical smunnels are very buggy due to the reason you specified