TheEpicBlock / immersive-cursedness

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lingering rendering bug

griffin4cats opened this issue · comments

After using this mod on the server and playing around with it a bit, one time when I went through the portal, the game stopped rendering any blocks. Relogging didn't fix it. The only way to force the server to render anything is to place a block or interact, and even then, that only shows the subchunk that I was interacting with (unless it's on a chunk or subchunk border). But strangely enough, particle effects from blocks around me kept rendering.

Even after I took the mod off of the server, this persisted. I had to restart my client in order to fix it!
Running lithium and phosphor on the server side, along with some minor ones.

I also have a suggestion: Instead of making this server-side, can you make a client-side version? One that saves chunks and remembers where the portals are linked, and renders it client-side, rather than the server having to send over the blocks on the other side, and not being able to send very much?

I doubt the rendering issue is something I can change. This clearly originates on the client and I shouldn't be sending anything weird enough to trigger it :P
Making this client-side would be a completely different mod, and unfortunately I don't have any expertise in rendering, so it's unlikely that I'll create such a mod.