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[Bug] problem on installing aquatone through

Aju100 opened this issue · comments

I think the project is no longer maintain and got an error too

You can test locally too.

$ go get
$ cp ~/go/bin/aquatone /usr/local/bin


../go/pkg/mod/ cannot call non-function xurls.Relaxed (type *regexp.Regexp)

I actually had the same issue to the point I was butting my head against the wall,

Then i decided well, I have a raspi 4 however it only has the 32 bit version of raspbian installed on it,

I knew the raspi 4 could support 64 bit software so I decided stuff it, I'll unzip the aarch64 file and run the binary and see how it goes,

Low and behold! It worked!

GO111MODULE=on go get