TheComputerM / svelte-materialify

A Material UI Design Component library for Svelte heavily inspired by vuetify.

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Generating href attribute

gjovanov opened this issue · comments

Hi there,
how can we generate:

  • Either a ListItem
  • or Button

with a tag and href attribute?

I was able to handle only on:click + programmatic navigation, but for SEO-friendly pages, it would be useful to generate:
<a href="...">

In Vuetify this is supported with either: to, href, nuxt component attributes.

Any plan for supporting it?


In a menu the ListItem can be surrounded with an a tag. Does this help? Just found that out myself.

<Menu hover>
    <div slot="activator">
            <Icon path={mdiAccountCircleOutline} />

    <a href="/settings/company">
        <ListItem>COMPANY SETTINGS</ListItem>
    <a href="/settings/account">
        <ListItem>ACCOUNT SETTINGS</ListItem>