TheComputerM / svelte-materialify

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How I can with Text Field use Type of the input element as valid HTML5 input type? need the manual (docs)

romanown opened this issue · comments


How I can Text Field use Type of the input element as valid HTML5 input type? as Material-UI

type | string |   | Type of the input element. It should be a valid HTML5 input type.

I tried it and it work but need the manual (docs) about.

btw. with some IDEs you can go to the source pretty easy, that helped me really much with learning svelte.
I think that works far better than going through API docs.

In the case of the TextField, I also didn't know you could add the type until a few weeks ago, but it has a reason:
You shouldn't really change the type, other than for password.
We'll have separate components for most types.

We should really specify ...$$restProps usage in the API docs.

Oh and what type do you want to use?


Thaks. I looked in the source code and so I tried using the time and date type as I have in another project on Reactjs. switching the type works but in a strange way so I asked this question. I use type="time". I can't switch the time format to 24h. if there are special separate components for this use, I will wait for them to appear.
on screen left frame has clearable property.


thanks. these are different questions in meaning. I don't want to use third-party elements. I will wait for these components to appear in this library. now I can use them as is.
the most important component for me is the Select component.

Time and Date are crucial for me. I don't know what projects do you use this awesome library but you can't get away without a date picker / a date input

@gevera upvote #41 and write that there. We know it's in demand! :)
There're some svelte datepickers out there, right now this lib gets reworked, that's why we don't want to add components right now. Other datepickers fit okay-ish to materialify.

I will. Thanks for all your work making svelte-materialify.