TheBlob42 / drex.nvim

Another directory/file explorer for Neovim written in Lua

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thallada opened this issue Β· comments

Just want to say that I love this plugin and it's working way better as a vim-vinegar replacement than the more popular plugins like nvim-tree, thanks πŸ™Œ !

I noticed an issue in the wiki though, this code block on this page needs to be updated (I would update it but I see no edit button):

local drex = require('drex')
local elements = require('drex.elements')

-- open the home directory
vim.keymap.set('n', '~', '<CMD>Drex ~<CR>', {})
-- open parent DREX buffer and focus current file
vim.keymap.set('n', '-', function()
    local path = vim.fn.expand('%:p')
    if path == '' then
        drex.open_directory_buffer() -- open at cwd
        drex.open_directory_buffer(vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ':h'))
        elements.focus_element(0, path)
end, {})

require('drex.config').configure {
    keybindings = {
        ['n'] = {
            ['~'] = '<CMD>Drex ~<CR>',
            ['-'] = '<CMD>lua require("drex.elements").open_parent_directory()<CR>',
            ['.'] = function()
                local element = require('drex.utils').get_element(vim.api.nvim_get_current_line())
                local left = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes('<left>', true, false, true)
                vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(': ' .. element .. string.rep(left, #element + 1), 'n', true)
            ['<CR>'] = function()
                local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()

                if require('drex.utils').is_open_directory(line) then

Note the change in the <CMD>lua require("drex.elements").open_parent_directory()<CR> mapping (from require("drex") previously). I also added the <CR> custom action since I feel like that's necessary for a proper vim-vinegar replacement.

Also, it might be a good idea to put similar docs in the help page for the plugin in case people miss the github wiki.

Thank you for your kind words πŸ™‚

Good catch. Unfortunately there is no PR feature for the Github Wiki of a project as far as I know. I will fix it.

Regarding the <CR> custom action: Is this really part of the "native vinegar experience"? I could not find anything about a custom <CR> mapping in the repository (but maybe I just missed it) πŸ€”

Putting all the examples from the wiki into the help page would probably blow that one up a little too much, but I just realized that the wiki is never even mentioned there. To avoid having to maintain all examples twice I would rather add a prominent mentioning about it so that more people find it and have a look

Ah, you're right, the <CR> mapping I was remembering came from nerd-tree, not vim-vinegar.