TheBB / spaceline

Powerline theme from Spacemacs

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using the correct face for custom segments

mohkale opened this issue · comments

I've got a custom segment defined like this:

(spaceline-define-segment buffer-mode-icon
  "an `all-the-icons' segment to show the mode of the current buffer"
  (all-the-icons-icon-for-mode major-mode
                               :v-adjust -0.15
                               :face :inherit)
  :enabled (all-the-icons-available-p))

where all-the-icons-available-p is just an alias for display-graphic-p.

This works... but it doesn't adjust to the introduction of new segments, such as anzu.



also, if emacs loses focus (such as when I) switch to a different program the segments face doesn't change.


I found this page on all-the-icon icons in spaceline & changed my segment to this, which works exactly as I expect it to:

    ati-mode-icon "An `all-the-icons' segment for the current buffer mode"
    (let ((icon (all-the-icons-icon-for-buffer)))
      (unless (symbolp icon) ;; This implies it's the major mode
        (propertize icon
                    'help-echo (format "Major-mode: `%s`" major-mode)
                    'display '(raise 0.0)
                    'face `(:height 1.0 :family ,(all-the-icons-icon-family-for-buffer) :inherit)))))

I think using propertize directly, instead of indirectly through the all-the-icon methods is whats fixing it. If anyone could offer an explanation, I'll leave this issue open in the meantime.