TheBB / spaceline

Powerline theme from Spacemacs

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how do i control what is displayed when spacemacs is not focus window / active window

cmorgan opened this issue · comments

specifically i'd like to always display the org-pomodoro timer, when window is both active and inactive

Yes... I would like to know the answer to this as well

Can anyone give any guidance on this issue? I have trawled through the documentation but it is a little over my head.

@hughwilliams94 do you mean what is the problem we are trying to solve ?

No sorry I am requesting the same information. Just in case it helps I was able to add the following code to my .spacemacs file to partially fix my issue:

(remove-hook 'focus-out-hook 'powerline-unset-selected-window)

At the moment I am struggling to get this to evaluate on startup but if I reload my config when I have started it works. Essentially it tells emacs not to change the window/modeline setup when it loses focus so my pomodoro clock remains active when I am in another window e.g. browser.

You can remove :when active in your mode line configuration for the segments you want to display unconditionally.

See here for example:

@TheBB that's great, thanks. How would I go about altering that :when in my .spacemacs?

How I solved this

  • Find spaceline-config.el in .emacs.d/elpa/spaceline-
  • Remove ":when active" from line 44 near org-pomodoro
  • SPC SPC spacemacs/recompile-elpa
  • Restart spacemacs

Close the issue if this solution worked for you

@cmorgan The best solution you have for doing this from your .spacemcacs is to copy the mode-line configuration from spaceline-config.el, modify it to your needs and spaceline-compile it.

This is the default configuration for Spacemacs, I simplified the code a little bit so that it fits better in a .spacemacs:

       :fallback evil-state
       :face highlight-face
       :priority 100)
      (anzu :priority 95)
      ((buffer-modified buffer-size buffer-id remote-host)
       :priority 98)
      (major-mode :priority 79)
      (process :when active)
      ((flycheck-error flycheck-warning flycheck-info)
       :when active
       :priority 89)
      (minor-modes :when active
                   :priority 9)
      (mu4e-alert-segment :when active)
      (erc-track :when active)
      (version-control :when active
                       :priority 78)
      (org-pomodoro :when active)
      (org-clock :when active)
      (python-pyvenv :fallback python-pyenv)
      (purpose :priority 94)
      (battery :when active)
      (selection-info :priority 95)
       :separator " | "
       :priority 96)
      (global :when active)
      ; add here whatever your 'additional-segments were if you had any
      (buffer-position :priority 99)
      (hud :priority 99)))

I guess this was somewhat documented here but not in a very clear way. I will try to rework the readme a little bit if I have time today; this is not the first time that this question is asked.

Readme updated 👍✨