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Maximal Square (Square with Max area consisting of all 1's in a binary matrix) | Dynamic Programming

tejasbirsingh opened this issue · comments

Given an m x n binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest square containing only 1's and return its area.
Input: matrix = [["1","0","1","0","0"],
Output: 4

Input: matrix = [["0","1"],
Output: 1

Please Assign this issue to me for adding Maximal Square Dynamic Programming Problem Code.

Points I will take care of:-

  • Proper indentation
  • Clean and Comment Code
  • Time Complexity explanation
  • Explained Sample Example

I think you can do this. Then why are you listing this as an issue.

I raised an issue so this can be assigned to me and I can contribute for this problem. Thanks

Ok. Can this be done by pull request. I am new here. And i dont know difference between this two

We create the issue first so the maintainers or owner can see them and assign them to us. When we are assigned the work then we make a pull request and attach it to this issue that we raised.

  1. Raise an issue for feature update or a bug
  2. The work will be assigned to you
  3. Make the required changes or updates and make a pull request
  4. while make pull request link the issue by using #issue number
  5. Maintainers/ owner merges your request if it is fine.
    Hope it helps!