ThasianX / ElegantCalendar

The elegant full screen calendar missed in SwiftUI.

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Navigation issue

metin-atalay opened this issue · comments

Thank you for the beautiful library. When you open the library for navigation, it shows the month, and when you press back, it returns to the year display and then goes to the other screen.


I'm not sure what the issue is here? this functionality is correct

We decided to use it in our project for its beautiful appearance. but it was a waste of our time. When you put it in a normal page, it works very well, but when you put it on the 2nd or 3rd page of the navigation view in a structure when you press the back button on the navigation bar, your library shows the yearly in the monthly display and then closes.

i faced the same issue. I use ElegantCalendarView(calendarManager: calendarManager).theme(CalendarTheme.yellowTheme).vertical() like this. When clicking dismiss, it firstly shows previous month and then navigate to back.

I realized the navigation issue occurs when initialMonth is setted.

The owner closed the bug but it is a big bug @ThasianX @yahyaizala .

Maybe it uses uikit I don't know why but somehow in navigationview when we initialize in navigationlink class. it insert itself to view. Maybe that is why it happens.

@metin-atalay i solved it when opening the calendar I show a progress and after initialization I fade calendar,
before page is dismissed I remove it with a state. That way its strange behavior not seen by user.

@yahyaizala thanks for the info