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[Bug]: RAM usage skyrockets and app crashes due to OOM

kefiiris opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

  • I have searched the issue tracker for a bug report that matches the one I want to file, without success.
  • I have searched the frequently asked questions for a solution that fixes this problem, without success.
  • I have checked that I'm using the latest stable version of the app.

What app version are you using?


What operating system version are you using?


Expected Behavior

Supposed to keep RAM usage as low as needed and not crash due to OOM.

Actual Behavior

RAM Usage skyrockets gradually and the app eventually crashes due to OOM.


No response


you likely restricted miru from writing data to disk

you likely restricted miru from writing data to disk

Yeah that was it. I checked around in settings and configured some stuff up and the issue stopped occuring. Thank you.