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[Bug]: Torrents containing multiple seasons do not load episodes properly

MartsTech opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

  • I have searched the issue tracker for a bug report that matches the one I want to file, without success.
  • I have searched the frequently asked questions for a solution that fixes this problem, without success.
  • I have checked that I'm using the latest stable version of the app.

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Expected Behavior

There are usually torents that contain multiple seasons or specials in nested folders that are listed separately in anilist. In this case the app should allow the user to manually select a folder in the torrent or to select the file that needs to be played.

Actual Behavior

Currently the app will download the torrent which usually contains a couple of folders (season 1, season 2, etc...). In this case no episode is loaded and the video player stays empty. In cases where it actually loads the 1 episode of the 1 season, afterwards the user will search for the next season usually with the same torrent, but he will load the the first season again.


No response


I don't think this is an accurate report?

  • you lack reproduction steps
  • miru will ALWAYS load at least one video file from a torrent which includes video files, it's not possible for it not to, it might not resolve the anime correctly, but it will load SOME video file

when trying to play 2nd season of a batch which has multiple seasons, if the batch has the 2nd season miru will load it, instead of looking for a new one, what you're describing shouldn't be possible?
so if you're watching a batch with 2 seasons, finish S1, go to miru, find s2 and press play, it will first check if the current batch has the 2nd season, if not it will then look online, if yes it will play it
what I assume happens here is you played some batch which has bad file naming, where files don't include the anime names, which made miru resolve the anime incorrectly, and when u went to play s2, you played the same batch, which again fails to resolve the seasons, simply pick another batch?

This may be an edge case, but for the batches of Durarara!! containing all 4 seasons, the first season is OK, but when the user tries to search for Durarara!! 2X the same torrent is not found and the user cannot select it, despite miru having downloaded all seasons already. This patern is also found for Attack of Titan. For the first season the user is able to select the complete series torrent, which contains all seasons, but for the second season onwards the user is only able to select season spefic torrents. For older series that have few well seeded torents, it feels wasted to have all seasons in one torrent, but not to be able to play them in miru.

For the specials of Baccano! NO torrents are ever found because the they are usually bundled with the main episodes in the torrent. This probably applies to more specials.

Point is, miru is designed to act as a streaming app, while providing the benefits of torrents. Still it makes sense to allow users who have chosen to persist their files and to manually choose their torents to have an option to select where there files are stored locally in case miru does not automatically do so? I imagine an option in the choose a torent dialog for a local files?


duplicate of #257