How do you run the sample tests?
hswander opened this issue · comments
We have installed your solution but cannot see anything under test explorer, and can't get any of the mvc movies and music store tests to run or debug.
All of the nuget packages seem to be installed. I have run these tests before without any problems.
Has something changed? Are we are missing?
This is Visual Studio 2013, update 4.
Thank you.
Do you have the Visual Studio extension that runs NUnit tests in Visual Studio test runner?
We installed the NUnit Test Adapter extension and now the tests are running. Thank you.
From: Rob Moore []
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 1:49 AM
To: TestStack/TestStack.Seleno
Cc: Holly Swander
Subject: Re: [TestStack.Seleno] How do you run the sample tests? (#207)
Do you have the Visual Studio extension that runs NUnit tests in Visual Studio test runner?
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