Terto17 / cyclop

Cyclop is a web based editor for Cassandra Query Language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cassandra is one of the most popular open source NoSQL databases, but it's only few years old, and therefore tools support is still limited, especially when it comes to free open source software.

If you are working with Cassandra, sooner or later you will have to analyse its content on remote cluster. Most of the available tools are desktop applications that connect to Cassandra over its protocol. Getting such access might be a hard task, because usually databases are installed in restricted networks in order to minimize data breach risk. Security policies are changing frequently to cover new findings, and the fact that you have access to your database today, does not actually mean that it will last long.

Gaining access over SSH and command line interface should be easier, but I do not have to convince anyone that using terminal to query database content is painful, especially when it holds wide rows!

But there is one solution, that is almost always available: web based applications! Every company knows how to secure them, how to run penetration tests, locate security leaks, and so on.... actually it does not matter what happens behind scenes, you - the end user has always access to such application - at least in the theory ;)

Here comes good news: Cyclop is 100% web based, and It's based on latest Wicket release! Once you managed to install it, you can query your database from a web browser and still enjoy native application feeling (it's almost fully based on AJAX, so page reloads are rare).

There is also another cool thing: if your security experts will run penetration tests against Cyclop they will come up with findings like Database Script Injection. This will be the first time in your life when you can honestly say: "It's not a bug, it's a future!". Anyway .... I would suggest to restrict access to Cyclop to some trusted networks. It's definitely not a usual web application, but once you have managed to deploy it, you can enjoy simple access to you data over CQL.

User Management


Cyclop does not manage users - it passes authorization and authentication to Cassandra. Once Cassandra session has been opened, it's being stored in HTTP session, and that's it. From now on, each query will be passed to Cassandra over its active session, and the result is successful or not - based on access rights defined in Cassandra for this particular user.

Providing support for persistent data like query history gets a bit tricky, if there is no such thing as user. We could reference credentials used to open Cassandra session, but it's a common use case, that many users share them - like "read only user for IT on third floor".

As you might noticed, the UUID is a solution to all our problems, and this time it helped too! Cyclop generates random cookie based on UUID and stores it in a browser. This is the replacement solution for missing user management. We do not recognize user itself, but the browser. Of curse valid Cassandra session is always required, so it's not possible that unauthorized user could access restricted data (like query history) only because he has access to the browser, or "knows" the cookie value, he would have to login in the first place.

User Preferences cover things like amount of rows in result table, import settings or button state. Those are stored in browser as cookie in a json format. Firstly, there is no security issue, because it's not a sensitive data, secondly we can access it directly from Java Script.

Login form contain two security futures that should prevent brute force attacks:

  • after each failed login, login page blocks for some time before next login is possible. Also each failed attempt increases blocking time - until defined maximal value is reached. We are blocking not only this particular browser/client, but all login requests - it's a global lock. This opens Cyclop for DOS attacks, but at the same time increases brute force resistance. This is not a big issue if Cyclop stops responding, because it's not meant to be used by large number of customers
  • login form supports Captcha, but it's not always active - first failed login activates it for a few minutes

Query Editor

Query Completion

  • completion is supported for almost whole CQL 3 syntax
  • Completion Hint shows all possible keywords, that are valid for actual query position. Tables, keyspaces and columns are grouped together, and sorted. Groups are also highlighted with different font color CQL Completion
  • if the keyspace has been set in previous query ("use cqldemo" in screen shot below), the completion for the following queries will be narrowed to tables from this keyspace, assuming that keyspace is not explicitly provided in query CQL Completion
  • completion contains only tables that belong to keyspace that has been provided in current query CQL Completion
  • completion contains only columns of a table that has been provided in current query CQL Completion
  • query syntax help has been copied from Cassandra documentation. It is decorated with color highlighting matching Completion Hint colors CQL Syntax Help

Keyboard Navigation

  • Enter - confirms currently highlighted completion
  • Tab - next completion value
  • Ctrl+Enter - executes query
  • ESC - cancel completion
  • Ctrl+J - jump to page top

Query Results Table

  • results table supports two layouts: horizontal and vertical
  • horizontal layout is known from traditional databases Results Table
  • vertical layout is reversed when compared to traditional SQL editors - rows are displayed horizontally, and columns vertically. When scrolling page from left to right you will switch between rows. Scrolling from top to bottom shows follow up columns Results Table
  • table header for each row displays partition key, assuming that query returns it
  • long text is trimmed in order to fit into table cell. Such cell has a blue icon in the left top corner, clicking on it opens pop-up containing the whole text Large Content

Query History

Query History Full

  • history contains last 500 queries that has been successfully executed from this particular browser (we recognize users based on persistent cookie)
  • each entry in history contains the query itself, the runtime and response size
  • next to the query there is a blue icon, clicking on it will trigger redirect to editor and paste query into it, so you can execute it again

History Filtering

  • filter supports live update - you get results while typing. Just remember that words shorter than three characters will be ignored
  • multiple keywords are joined by OR, this means that filter result will contain queries with at least one keyword
  • you can specify multiple keywords in the filter. Is such case the top of the filtered history will contain queries with most hits. This builds groups, like queries with four hits, than three, and on the end with single hit. The queries within those groups are sorted by execution time Query History Filter
  • pressing Enter resets filter, you can also click on "clean" icon

Data on the Server

The history itself is stored on server in file: [fileStore.folder]\QueryHistory-[User-UUID].json. The file itself contains serialized history in json form. The solution is also secure, so you can use Cyclop from any computer without restrictions. Random cookie is the only information stored in browser - but this does not matter, because history can be viewed only by authenticated users.

CSV Export

Query result can be exported to CSV file. You can influence its format trough configuration file.


Query Bookmark It's meant to import files containing CQL queries separated by ;\n. Single query can spread over multiple lines. Results of the import are displayed in table, which contains each single query, runtime and eventually an error - in this case row is highlighted in red. You can also specify few options, so that script execution will break (or not) after first error, or executed queries can be included in query history, or parallel import. The last option will divide import file into chunks and execute each one in separated thread - by default 6. Be aware that queries will be executed in unspecified order.

Import has also few limitations:

  • import script and results table have to fit into memory
  • each query will be executed as separate Cassandra call, so that we can precisely point out errors, and measure execution time, on the other hand side it causes latencies
  • import script does not support comments


  • Java 8
  • Cassandra v1.2 or above (tested with 1.2 and 2.0 and 2.1)
  • only CQL 3 is supported
  • CLI is NOT supported
  • Tomcat v7 or another v3.x web container


  • web app - v3.x
  • maven - v3.x
  • spring - v4.x
  • wicket - v6.x
  • wicket-auth-roles - v6.x
  • bootstrap - v3.x (theme: cyborg from bootswatch)
  • jQuery UI - v1.10.x
  • kaptcha 0.0.9
  • cassandra-driver-core - v2.x
  • slf4j/logback - v1.7.x
  • hibernate validator - v5.x
  • guava - v16.x (Cassandra 2.0 does not work with v17)

Installation - Cyclop 2.x for Java 8

  1. Install Java 8 and Maven 3

  2. Download last release: https://github.com/maciejmiklas/cyclop/releases/latest

  3. Edit property file: cyclop/cyclop-webapp/src/main/resources/cyclop.properties and set connection settings for Cassandra:

    cassandra.hosts: localhost
    cassandra.port: 9042
    cassandra.useSsl: false
    cassandra.timeoutMilis: 3600000

    You can also overwrite each property from cyclop.properties by setting it as jvm parameter. For example to connect to different Cassandra host set:-Dcassandra.hosts=server1,server2. This gives you simple possibility to change properties after the war file has been assembled.

  4. Optionally change logger settings by editing logback.xml. By default it logs in into /var/lib/tomcat7/logs/cyclop-${time}.log

  5. Build war file:

    cd cyclop
    cd cyclop-wicket-components
    mvn install
    cd ..
    cd cyclop-webapp
    mvn package
  6. Drop war file into tomcat

    The created war can connect only to one Cassandra cluster, in order to serve multiple clusters from one Tomcat you have to deploy few cyclop war archives, each one with different cassandra.hosts value

Installation - Cyclop 1.x for Java 7

  1. Install Java 7 and Maven 3

  2. Download last release: https://github.com/maciejmiklas/cyclop/releases/tag/v1.4.2

  3. Edit property file: cyclop/src/main/resources/cyclop.properties and set connection settings for Cassandra:

    cassandra.hosts: localhost
    cassandra.port: 9042
    cassandra.useSsl: false
    cassandra.timeoutMilis: 3600000

    You can also overwrite each property from cyclop.properties by setting it as jvm parameter. For example to connect to different Cassandra host set:-Dcassandra.hosts=server1,server2. This gives you simple possibility to change properties after the war file has been assembled.

  4. Optionally change logger settings by editing logback.xml. By default it logs in into /var/lib/tomcat7/logs/cyclop-${time}.log

  5. Build war file: mvn package

  6. Drop war file into tomcat

    The created war can connect only to one Cassandra cluster, in order to serve multiple clusters from one Tomcat you have to deploy few cyclop war archives, each one with different cassandra.hosts value


Cyclop is a web based editor for Cassandra Query Language



Language:Java 83.4%Language:HTML 8.6%Language:JavaScript 7.4%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:Shell 0.0%