TerryX-Lee / AlfredWorkflow_CnyTransform

alfred workflow,货币数字、中文大写和英文相互转换

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

not work at OSX 12.3

osaka2020 opened this issue · comments

after Apple removed python 2.7, this workflow does not work anymore. please kindly update it. it's a very useful tool for my work.

Thanks a lot~~

It seems that the author has not maintained this project for a long time.

I have created a new project that can partially replace the functionality of the project. Currently, only uppercase conversion is supported.

支持Alfred的大写金额转换器 / Supports Alfred's uppercase CNY converter

For example, input dx 12345.67, it will return 壹万贰仟叁佰肆拾伍元陆角柒分
By pressing the Enter key, it can be saved in your clipboard.

截屏2023-04-08 19 17 40

It works using Python 3 and is currently valid in versions above macOS 10.13.