Tercioo / Details-Damage-Meter

Addon for World of Warcraft, does combat analyzes offering clean visual data for the player

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LUA Error on entering "The Nighthold" Raid

fubaWoW opened this issue · comments


Game and Details! version
Details Version: VCT 12819 RELEASE 11.0.0
Game Version: Retail

Describe the bug
Entering "The Nighthold" Raid in Legion and the error pops

Lua Error

1x Details/core/gears.lua:1287: table index is nil
[string "@Details/core/gears.lua"]:1287: in function `IsZoneIdFromCurrentExpansion'
[string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:5430: in function <Details/core/parser.lua:5316>

self = <table> {
 APITopics = <table> {
 player_stats = <table> {
 resize_debug = <table> {
 overall_flag = 16
 opened_windows = 0
 PotionList = <table> {
 default_bg_color = 0.094100
 show_totalhitdamage_on_overkill = false
 color_by_arena_team = true
 plugin_window_pos = <table> {
 gump = <table> {
 InstancesToStoreData = <table> {
 default_skin_to_use = "Minimalistic"
 gametoc = 110000
 deadlog_events = 32
 last_instance_id = 1530
 _detalhes_props = <table> {
 atributo_energy = <table> {
 show_warning_id1 = true
 FadeHandler = <table> {
 AddOnStartTime = 271835.982000
 ToolBar = <table> {
 listener = Frame {
 time_type_original = 2
 all_in_one_windows = <table> {
 deathlog_healingdone_min_arena = 400
 overall_clear_newboss = true
 overlay_frame = Frame {
 breakdown_spell_tab = <table> {
 PluginDefaults = <table> {
 bitfield_debuffs_table = <table> {
 lastBattlegroundStartTime = 271835.982000
 encounter_end_table = <table> {
 delaymsgs = <table> {
 aura_tracker_frame = <table> {
 options_group_edit = true
 mythic_plus = <table> {
 switchSaved = <table> {
 tooltip_backdrop = <table> {
 use_row_animations = true
 RecordPlayerSelfDebuffs = false
 windows_fade_out = <table> {
 death_tooltip_width = 350
 ps_abbreviation = 3
 pvp_as_group = false
 segments_amount_boss_wipes = 10
 use_self_color = false
 hooks = <table> {
 network = <table> {
 ShieldCache = <table> {
 announce_cooldowns = <table> {
 atributo_misc = <table> {
 table = <table> {
 default_backdropcolor = <table> {
 hotcorner_topleft = <table> {
 segments_auto_erase = 1
 StatusBarBackgroundTable_ForDeathTooltip = <table> {
 only_pvp_frags = false
 cache_damage_group = <table> {
 custom_function_cache = <table> {
 SpellsToIgnore = <table> {
 barras_criadas = 0
 minimum_overall_combat_time = 10
 icones = <table> {
 divisores = <table> {
 SoloTables = <table> {
 clear_ungrouped = true
 barras_max_index = 11
 role_texcoord_normalized = <table> {
 spellcache = <table> {
 installed_skins_cache = <table> {
 ClassSpellList = <table> {
 spells_school = <table> {
 specToRole = <table> {
 classid_to_classstring = <table> {
 left_anti_truncate = DetailsLeftTextAntiTruncate {
 latest_encounter_spell_pool_access = 1722019190
 encounter_table = <table> {
 boss_mods_timers = <table> {
 faction_id = 0
 max_window_size = <table> {
 HarmfulSpells = <table> {
 zone_type = "raid"
 spell_category_savedtable = <table> {
 custom = <table> {
 ocd_tracker = <table> {
 event_tracker = <table> {
 debug = false
 refresh = <table> {
 classstring_to_classid = <table> {
 global_plugin_database = <table> {
 preset_version = 3
 tooltip_key_overlay1 = <table> {
 atributo_damage = <table> {
 RegistredEvents = <table> {
 menu_backdrop_config = <table> {
 scroll_speed = 1
 Colors = <table> {
 clear_graphic = true
 data_harvested_for_charts = <table> {
 capture_schedules = <table> {
 data_wipes_exp = <table> {
 encounter_counter = <table> {
 AbsorbSpells = <table> {
 battleground_info = <table> {
 yesNo = <table> {
 userversion = "11.0.0 12819"
 instances_segments_locked = false
 defaultModuleState = true
 bookmark_text_size = 11
 spell_category_latest_sent = 0
 windows_fade_in = <table> {
 cooltip_preset3_backdrop = <table> {
 container_habilidades = <table> {
 habilidade_cura = <table> {
 raid_data = <table> {
 options_window = <table> {
 minimum_combat_time = 5
 __profiles = <table> {
 playerdetailwindow_skins = <table> {
 realtimedps_order_bars = false
 optionsSection = <table> {
 last_zone_type = "raid"
 performanceData = <table> {
 NeltharusWeaponActorSpellId = 377176
 CreditBuffToTarget = <table> {
 show_warning_id1_amount = 2
 update_warning_timeout = 10
 parser_functions = <table> {
 string = <table> {
 IgnoredEnemyNpcsTable = <table> {
 item_level_pool = <table> {
 StatusBar = <table> {
 weaktable = <table> {