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Install guide is way too long

mykaul opened this issue · comments

Please split it into 2:

  • Ansible-based installation, with 2-3 bullets:
  1. How to get all the RPMs.
  2. Example (complete) of variables to the Ansible role.
  3. Example execution of the Ansible role to deploy Tendrl.
  • Manual installation. Separate page, as long as you wish, that explains everything.

Right now, it's way too convoluted to be user-facing and friendly.

(I refer to https://github.com/Tendrl/documentation/wiki/Tendrl-release-v1.6.3-(install-guide) for example )

There is description of ansible based installation in README file of tendrl ansible (edit/clarification: so this separation already exists).

The main problem with the install guide in the wiki is that it's not 100% correct wrt current state of the project as nobody maintains it and makes sure that all changes are reflected there. I was trying to help maintain it about half a year ago, but nobody else was willing to help or block the upstream release to get this fixed, unfortunately.


I would like to clarify, Tendrl upstream (RHGS WA as called downstream) is not fully tested by Red Hat QE folks. It is mostly tested by upstream contributors.

For devel environments please use tendrl-vagrant:

  1. https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl-ansible/blob/master/README.md is also way too long. Just give me the quick and dirty, and add everything else later on.
  2. https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl-vagrant references RHEL 7.5 and Fedora 27, as well as Vagrant 2.0.1 (while 2.12 is already avail.) so doesn't give the impression of an up-to-date project. (but it's nice that it adds copr via Ansible, unlike tendrl-ansible!).

BTW, if you already require Ansible on the host, do the rest of the package installation via it (and not in manual commands).