Tencent / paxosstore

PaxosStore has been deployed in WeChat production for more than two years, providing storage services for the core businesses of WeChat backend. Now PaxosStore is running on thousands of machines, and is able to afford billions of peak TPS.

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xianglinghui opened this issue · comments

Hi,挺感谢你们能够开源paxosstore,想问下,"微信PaxosStore内存篇:十亿Paxos/分钟的挑战" 这篇文章结尾处提供了PaxosKV的压测性能,平均耗时是7.28ms,这是在6台机器都部署在同机房的环境下测的吗?在跨机房部署的环境下,相应耗时会怎么样?

hi, xianglinghui.
文章中提及的压测是标准的kv6架构下的1组: 6台机器, 分布在3个园区, 路由策略保证每个key的A/B/C三个角色分别在三个园区, 所以这里是同个IDC不同机房的压测数据.
压测环境是我们内部上海IDC, 机房之间的ping大概在1~2ms左右.


某园区机房网络抖动情况下, 一般前端侧统计的平均耗时会升到比较高, 主要是因为对网络问题园区connect的统计耗时; 实际请求耗时应该只有略为升高的.