Tencent / TurboTransformers

a fast and user-friendly runtime for transformer inference (Bert, Albert, GPT2, Decoders, etc) on CPU and GPU.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RuntimeError: code is not compiled with CUDA.

zhanghaoie opened this issue · comments

跑完build_and_run_unitest,unittest都pass了,但是运行benchmark gpu_fixed的时候,报code is not compiled with CUDA。

README写了,编译时候应该 cmake .. -DWITH_GPU=ON,或者你下载成了cpu-only的镜像了

sh tools/build_and_run_unittests.sh $PWD -DWITH_GPU=ON

按照gpu docker的方式编译的,应该没什么问题的。。。