Telerik-Verified-Plugins / WKWebView

DEPRECATED - this plugin served a purpose in the past, but there are better implementation now

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Can't uninstall the plugin

cotufaloschiflones opened this issue · comments

The plugin is just valid for ios9 and cordova 3, I'm using cordova 4 and I'm getting a error in a header file when I'm trying to compile. The problem came when I tried to uninstall the plugin, it has a dependency (cordova-plugin-webserver) And if I run "cordova plugin rm com.telerik.plugins.wkebview" I'm getting the error:

Uninstalling cordova-plugin-webserver from ios 
Error: Uh oh!
Path must be a string. Received undefined

Of course, if I try to uninstall directly cordova-plugin-webserver i'm getting the error:

The plugin 'cordova-plugin-webserver' is requeired by 'com.telerik.plugins.wkebview', skipping uninstallation.

Any help here I'm stucked because of this...

Delete the wkwebview folder in your /plugins folder, then cordova platform rm ios followed by cordova platform add ios