Telerik-Verified-Plugins / WKWebView

DEPRECATED - this plugin served a purpose in the past, but there are better implementation now

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Video doesn't play

mralj opened this issue · comments



I have trouble playing video using HTML5 video player since I moved from UIWebView. The problem is whenever I set relative path to video to <source src .. > video is not recognized. Luckily I'm downloading video and storing ti using Cordova's fileTransfer, which provides me with full path like this: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3A43AFB5-BEF6-4A0C-BBDB-FC7D2D98BEE9/Documents/videos/Dips.mp4

And if I set this to src, video playback works fine. But problem is file:/// is not recognized with WKWebView and none of relative paths seem to work. What can I do about this ?

The problem with video is described in this SO post (this works for UiWebView, but as I said this gives url with file:// in it):