TehShrike / abstract-state-router

Like ui-router, but without all the Angular. The best way to structure a single-page webapp.

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A dot/period(.) in url for a named parameter returns an error

heardy opened this issue · comments

When adding a state that includes a named parameter eg /user/:userId, if the named parameter portion of the url includes a dot (eg. /user/123.345) you get the error Cannot GET <path> (see screenshot)

Route code

    name: 'app.user',
    route: 'user/:userId',
    template: User,
    resolve: (data, parameters, cb) => {
      const {userId} = parameters;
      cb(undefined, { userId });


Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 9 12 41 am

@heardy I've had a look at this and I think that ASR is working as expected. If you are using webpack dev server, maybe something to do with how it is handling dots in urls?

That looks like a message from your server, not something to do with ASR – I would guess that your server has some rule that says "for any route, server up this same index.html file", but that rule doesn't cover routes with periods?

Thanks guys. It was an issue with the server not ASR.

For anyone interested, the issue was with webpack-dev-server. I needed to use disableDotRule: true setting in the historyApiFallback option.

In webpack.config.js (see https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserverhistoryapifallback)

devServer: {
  historyApiFallback: {
    disableDotRule: true