Technologx / Android-Theming

A guide put together by Ghost Ninja(Technologx)

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appfilter.xml's View

A file that contains a long code list for android apps if you don't see what your seeking on here then visit that will give you the info you need but you also will need this app it will submit the your app componentinfo to the website I've listed it helps us themer's out. This file is what almost all launchers use to determine which icon goes to which app so if you don't have this file and you have user's complaining that the icon pack isn't working this is why.

# appmap.xml View A file similar to appfilter but this file is used for Atom launcher so if users who use Atom Launcher can't apply your icon pack this could be why.
# drawable.xml's View A file that contains a list of your icons either put into categories or alphabetical order usually a lot of dev's like to put this file into cetegories.
# theme_patterns.xml View A file that usually lists all of your docks, this allows the user to enter the launcher they're usings settings to choose which dock they'd like to use.
# theme_resources.xml View A file that is similar to the appfilter this file is needed in order for your icon pack to work with certain launchers for ex. LG Home.
# themecfg.xml View A file that contains some of your theme's info that shows up when a user seletcs your icon pack to use with the launcher they're using.
# themeinfo.xml View Another file similar to themecfg but this one cotains more information for launchers to use like themePointColor #546e7a this line I believe is the color that gets used with your icon pack. Like ADW will use this and set the theme's set font color to what ever hex color code you have listed on that line of code.


A guide put together by Ghost Ninja(Technologx)

License:GNU General Public License v3.0