Teamwork / github-sync

This action helps you to sync your PRs with tasks in Teamwork to streamline team collaboration and your development workflows.

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API Auth Error

cdnicoll opened this issue · comments

When running the action im getting

{"CONTENT":{"ERRORS":["Invalid token or token version"]}}

I've setup both TEAMWORK_URI and TEAMWORK_API_TOKEN within my secrets, leaving GITHUB_TOKEN. I've also followed the setup instructions here:

Is there anything else I might be missing?

Hey @cdnicoll, thanks for taking the time to open an issue for us.

Here at Teamwork, we are preparing a new way to generate the "API TOKEN" by using our developer portal in order to make it easier for the future.

I will create a PR adding support to the API TOKEN you are trying to use.

Hey @cdnicoll, could you try again and confirm it is working now?

@miguelbemartin It is. Thank you for the quick reply and fix.

It looks like comments are coming through as [<PROJECT>/pull/8](<PROJECT>/pull/8) on Teamwork side, but thats nothing major. It can be tracked in another issue if need be.

@cdnicoll Thanks again for your feedback. Could you open an issue with the details of the problem?