TeamHG-Memex / html-text

Extract text from HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

extract_text does not work on lxml XHTML element

keturn opened this issue · comments

I guess the docs do explicitly state lxml.html.HtmlElement, but the lxml docs say

Note that XHTML is best parsed as XML, parsing it with the HTML parser can lead to unexpected results.

so I had been using lxml in XML-mode, and it failed with the not-so-obvious error:

…/python3.7/site-packages/html_text/ in parse_html(html)
     47     XXX: mostly copy-pasted from parsel.selector.create_root_node
     48     """
---> 49     body = html.strip().replace('\x00', '').encode('utf8') or b'<html/>'
     50     parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(recover=True, encoding='utf8')
     51     root = lxml.etree.fromstring(body, parser=parser)

AttributeError: 'lxml.etree._Element' object has no attribute 'strip'

Test case:

def test_extract_text_from_xml_tree():
    xhtml = (u'<html xmlns=""><head/><body>'
             '<p>Hello,   World!</p>'

    text = u'Hello, World!'
    assert extract_text(etree.fromstring(xhtml,parser=etree.XMLParser()),
                                         guess_punct_space=False, guess_layout=False) == text

@keturn right, good catch - this is something we should fix. In the meantime, you can try calling html_text.etree_to_text directly, that won't fail in parse_html (but may fail later as I didn't check it). EDIT as I see you already tried that in #25.

Also I didn't experience issues with parsing XHTML with HTML parser, at least as far as html-text is concerned.