TcOpenGroup / tcopen-app-templates

Contains application templates for TcOpen framework

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[BUG] Clean cycle times show sequence cycle times

KrisztianOlah opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Clean cycle time should show the elapsed time from calling StartCleanCycleTime() instead it shows SequenceElapesedTime.

CuBase.UpdateInfo() :

That GroundTask should be AutomatTask, this will fix what is displayed. Though a better solution would be:


Furthermore, _startCleanCycleTime and _stopCleanCycleTime should be reset when ground is called and when the Automat sequence finishes or when it starts each iteration. OnStart did not work for me so please advise. Thanks

After a second look; Resetting _startCleanCycleTime and _stopCleanCycleTime in TcoTaskSequencer.CompleteSequence() will reset each iteration.