Taxel / PlexTraktSync

A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sync command error on 0.31.0

AndreiArdelean1 opened this issue · comments


  • I have read the on the project homepage
  • I have checked if identical issue already exists
  • I have tried downgrading to find version that can be used as a workaround

The problem

Sync command error on 0.31.0

Steps to reproduce the behavior

plextraktsync sync command throws the error:

Error trace / logs

ERROR    'liked_list'                                                           
         ╭───────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ─────────────────╮
         │ /app/plextraktsync/ in wrap                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │    23 │   │   │   cmd = getattr(module, name)                       │
         │    24 │   │   │                                                     │
         │    25 │   │   │   try:                                              │
         │ ❱  26 │   │   │   │   cmd(*args, **kwargs)                          │
         │    27 │   │   │   except EOFError as e:                             │
         │    28 │   │   │   │   raise ClickException(                         │
         │    29 │   │   │   │   │   f"Program requested terminal, No terminal │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/commands/ in sync                      │
         │                                                                     │
         │   72 │   │   return                                                 │
         │   73 │                                                              │
         │   74 │   with measure_time("Completed full sync"):                  │
         │ ❱ 75 │   │   runner = factory.sync                                  │
         │   76 │   │   if runner.config.need_library_walk:                    │
         │   77 │   │   │   w.print_plan(                    │
         │   78 │   │   if dry_run:                                            │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/ in __get__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    992 │   │   │   raise TypeError(msg) from None                   │
         │    993 │   │   val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND)           │
         │    994 │   │   if val is _NOT_FOUND:                                │
         │ ❱  995 │   │   │   val = self.func(instance)                        │
         │    996 │   │   │   try:                                             │
         │    997 │   │   │   │   cache[self.attrname] = val                   │
         │    998 │   │   │   except TypeError:                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in sync                      │
         │                                                                     │
         │   140 │   │   plex = self.plex_api                                  │
         │   141 │   │   trakt = self.trakt_api                                │
         │   142 │   │                                                         │
         │ ❱ 143 │   │   return Sync(self.sync_config, plex, trakt)            │
         │   144 │                                                             │
         │   145 │   @cached_property                                          │
         │   146 │   def progressbar(self):                                    │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in sync_config               │
         │                                                                     │
         │   298 │   def sync_config(self):                                    │
         │   299 │   │   from plextraktsync.config.SyncConfig import SyncConfi │
         │   300 │   │                                                         │
         │ ❱ 301 │   │   return SyncConfig(self.config, self.server_config)    │
         │   302 │                                                             │
Error: Error running sync command: 'liked_list'
         │   303 │   @cached_property                                          │
         │   304 │   def queue(self):                                          │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/config/ in __init__              │
         │                                                                     │
         │    16 │   def __init__(self, config: Config, server_config: PlexSer │
         │    17 │   │   self.config = dict(config["sync"])                    │
         │    18 │   │   self.liked_lists = config["liked_lists"]              │
         │ ❱  19 │   │   self.liked_lists_overrides = config["liked_list"] or  │
         │    20 │   │   self.server_config = server_config.sync_config        │
         │    21 │                                                             │
         │    22 │   def __getitem__(self, key):                               │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/config/ in __getitem__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    51 │   def __getitem__(self, item):                              │
         │    52 │   │   if not self.initialized:                              │
         │    53 │   │   │   self.initialize()                                 │
         │ ❱  54 │   │   return dict.__getitem__(self, item)                   │
         │    55 │                                                             │
         │    56 │   def __contains__(self, item):                             │
         │    57 │   │   if not self.initialized:                              │
         KeyError: 'liked_list'                                                 

Expected behavior

No error should occur


run container with image

Config file contents

# Config File: /app/config/config.yml
  path: /app/cache/trakt_cache
- Personal
  dotenv_override: true
  timeout: 30
  append: false
  console_time: false
  debug: false
  filename: plextraktsync.log
  filter_loggers: null
  filter: null
  rating_priority: plex
    collection: false
    clear_collected: false
    ratings: false
    watched_status: true
    watchlist: false
    liked_lists: false
    ratings: false
    watched_status: true
    watchlist: false
    watchlist_as_playlist: false
  add_collection: false
  remove_collection: false
  scrobble_threshold: 80
  username_filter: true
  media_progressbar: true
  movies: imdb

Install method




Python Version

3.12.4 (main, Jun 7 2024, 20:08:32) [GCC 13.2.1 20231014]

Plex Server Version, updated at: 2024-06-13 17:30:58

Operating System and Version

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

Same error here.

WARNING  plextraktsync without command is deprecated. Executing "plextraktsync  
INFO     PlexTraktSync [0.31.0]                                                 
INFO     Connecting with url:                                                   
         timeout 30 seconds                                                     
ERROR    'liked_list'                                                           
         ╭───────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ─────────────────╮
         │ /app/plextraktsync/ in wrap                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │    23 │   │   │   cmd = getattr(module, name)                       │
         │    24 │   │   │                                                     │
         │    25 │   │   │   try:                                              │
         │ ❱  26 │   │   │   │   cmd(*args, **kwargs)                          │
         │    27 │   │   │   except EOFError as e:                             │
         │    28 │   │   │   │   raise ClickException(                         │
         │    29 │   │   │   │   │   f"Program requested terminal, No terminal │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/commands/ in sync                      │
         │                                                                     │
         │   72 │   │   return                                                 │
         │   73 │                                                              │
         │   74 │   with measure_time("Completed full sync"):                  │
         │ ❱ 75 │   │   runner = factory.sync                                  │
         │   76 │   │   if runner.config.need_library_walk:                    │
         │   77 │   │   │   w.print_plan(                    │
         │   78 │   │   if dry_run:                                            │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/ in __get__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    992 │   │   │   raise TypeError(msg) from None                   │
         │    993 │   │   val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND)           │
         │    994 │   │   if val is _NOT_FOUND:                                │
         │ ❱  995 │   │   │   val = self.func(instance)                        │
         │    996 │   │   │   try:                                             │
         │    997 │   │   │   │   cache[self.attrname] = val                   │
         │    998 │   │   │   except TypeError:                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in sync                      │
         │                                                                     │
         │   140 │   │   plex = self.plex_api                                  │
         │   141 │   │   trakt = self.trakt_api                                │
         │   142 │   │                                                         │
         │ ❱ 143 │   │   return Sync(self.sync_config, plex, trakt)            │
         │   144 │                                                             │
         │   145 │   @cached_property                                          │
         │   146 │   def progressbar(self):                                    │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in sync_config               │
         │                                                                     │
         │   298 │   def sync_config(self):                                    │
         │   299 │   │   from plextraktsync.config.SyncConfig import SyncConfi │
         │   300 │   │                                                         │
         │ ❱ 301 │   │   return SyncConfig(self.config, self.server_config)    │
         │   302 │                                                             │
         │   303 │   @cached_property                                          │
         │   304 │   def queue(self):                                          │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/config/ in __init__              │
         │                                                                     │
         │    16 │   def __init__(self, config: Config, server_config: PlexSer │
         │    17 │   │   self.config = dict(config["sync"])                    │
         │    18 │   │   self.liked_lists = config["liked_lists"]              │
         │ ❱  19 │   │   self.liked_lists_overrides = config["liked_list"] or  │
         │    20 │   │   self.server_config = server_config.sync_config        │
         │    21 │                                                             │
         │    22 │   def __getitem__(self, key):                               │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/config/ in __getitem__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    51 │   def __getitem__(self, item):                              │
         │    52 │   │   if not self.initialized:                              │
         │    53 │   │   │   self.initialize()                                 │
         │ ❱  54 │   │   return dict.__getitem__(self, item)                   │
         │    55 │                                                             │
         │    56 │   def __contains__(self, item):                             │
         │    57 │   │   if not self.initialized:                              │
         KeyError: 'liked_list'                                                 
Error: Error running sync command: 'liked_list'

** Press ANY KEY to close this window **

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

Thanks this worked. :)

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

in which file did you add this? can you provide an example. or if its the correct solution, raise a PR with it?

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

in which file did you add this? can you provide an example. or if its the correct solution, raise a PR with it?

Just in my config.yml. It's also been added to the default config file in the repo, but is currently commented out.

I don't know enough to fix the issue, but it looks like it was introduced in #1832.

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

This worked for me as well. I appreciate you commenting here with this.

I got this too, and was able to run on 0.31.0 by adding a top-level key named liked_list with a blank object as the value in my config.

liked_list: {}

in which file did you add this? can you provide an example. or if its the correct solution, raise a PR with it?

Just in my config.yml. It's also been added to the default config file in the repo, but is currently commented out.

I don't know enough to fix the issue, but it looks like it was introduced in #1832.

I change my config.xml for this

But not works for me. It´s neccessary something more? Thanks.