Taxel / PlexTraktSync

A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription)

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Failed to start a docker with watch command

TucoBruto opened this issue · comments


  • I have read the on the project homepage
  • I have checked if identical issue already exists
  • I have tried downgrading to find version that can be used as a workaround

The problem

Failed to start a docekr with watch command

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Start a docker with watch command

Error trace / logs

ERROR    No module named ''                                  
         ╭───────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ─────────────────╮
         │ /app/plextraktsync/ in wrap                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │    23 │   │   │   cmd = getattr(module, name)                       │
         │    24 │   │   │                                                     │
         │    25 │   │   │   try:                                              │
         │ ❱  26 │   │   │   │   cmd(*args, **kwargs)                          │
         │    27 │   │   │   except ClickException as e:                       │
         │    28 │   │   │   │   from plextraktsync.factory import logger      │
         │    29 │   │   │   │   logger.fatal(f"Error running {name} command:  │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/commands/ in watch                    │
         │                                                                     │
         │   11 │   │   server=server,                                         │
         │   12 │   )                                                          │
         │   13 │   ws = factory.web_socket_listener                           │
         │ ❱ 14 │   updater = factory.watch_state_updater                      │
         │   15 │                                                              │
         │   16 │   ws.on(ServerStarted, updater.on_start)                     │
         │   17 │   ws.on(                                                     │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/ in __get__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    992 │   │   │   raise TypeError(msg) from None                   │
         │    993 │   │   val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND)           │
         │    994 │   │   if val is _NOT_FOUND:                                │
         │ ❱  995 │   │   │   val = self.func(instance)                        │
         │    996 │   │   │   try:                                             │
         │    997 │   │   │   │   cache[self.attrname] = val                   │
         │    998 │   │   │   except TypeError:                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in watch_state_updater       │
         │                                                                     │
         │   210 │   │   return WatchStateUpdater(                             │
         │   211 │   │   │   plex=self.plex_api,                               │
         │   212 │   │   │   trakt=self.trakt_api,                             │
         │ ❱ 213 │   │   │   mf=self.media_factory,                            │
         │   214 │   │   │   config=self.config,                               │
         │   215 │   │   )                                                     │
         │   216                                                               │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /usr/local/lib/python3.12/ in __get__               │
         │                                                                     │
         │    992 │   │   │   raise TypeError(msg) from None                   │
         │    993 │   │   val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND)           │
         │    994 │   │   if val is _NOT_FOUND:                                │
         │ ❱  995 │   │   │   val = self.func(instance)                        │
         │    996 │   │   │   try:                                             │
         │    997 │   │   │   │   cache[self.attrname] = val                   │
         │    998 │   │   │   except TypeError:                                │
         │                                                                     │
         │ /app/plextraktsync/util/ in media_factory              │
         │                                                                     │
         │    51 │                                                             │
         │    52 │   @cached_property                                          │
         │    53 │   def media_factory(self):                                  │
         │ ❱  54 │   │   from import MediaFac │
         │    55 │   │                                                         │
         │    56 │   │   trakt = self.trakt_api                                │
         │    57 │   │   plex = self.plex_api                                  │
         ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''             
Error: Error running watch command: No module named ''

Expected behavior

docker stopped

Inspect of problematic items

No response


No response

Install method

Unraid installation (not supported)

Config file contents

No response



Python Version


Plex Server Version


Operating System and Version


I have tried downgrading to find version that can be used as a workaround

information not filled. what version you downgraded to remove the error?


why is it so difficult for everybody to fill in the information to the designated area?

or even fill issue title that summarizes the bug