TartanLlama / expected

C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions

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make_unexpected isn't compiled in VS19 C++20

sergeypolkovnikov opened this issue · comments

environment: Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Version 16.11.2
compiler flag: /std:c++20

the following code is not compiled (in C++17 it compiles successfully)

check::Expected makeError(int const code, std::string description)
    return tl::make_unexpected(check::Error{code, std::move(description)});
//  Error	C2440	'return': cannot convert from 'tl::unexpected<E>' to 'tl::expected<check::Success,check::Error>'		


struct Success
struct Error
    explicit Error(Error&&) = default; // to delete copy ctor
    Error(int code, std::string description) :

    int code = 0;
    std::string description;
using Expected = tl::expected<Success, Error>;