Tarrasch / zsh-autoenv

Autoenv for zsh

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Environment variables override on new terminal

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I'm having troubles when opening a new terminal tab in a directory with .autoenv.sh.

Here's how my .autoenv.sh looks like:

source `dirname "$0:A"`/.venv/bin/activate #activates virtualenv
echo `which python` # for testing purpose

So let's say I have my first terminal and cd into the directory:

$ cd Devel/Python/my_project
/Users/redrabbit/Devel/Python/my_project/.venv/bin/python <--- echoed from .autoenv.sh
$ which python
/Users/redrabbit/Devel/Python/my_project/.venv/bin/python <--- OK

Everything OK here. I'm using python from my $VIRTUAL_ENV.

Now i open a new tab within the Terminal app (cmd+t):

Last login: Sat Jun 11 14:26:34 on ttys000
/Users/redrabbit/Devel/Python/my_project/.venv/bin/python <--- echoed from .autoenv.sh
$ which python
/usr/local/bin/python <--- ??? Something went wrong here

It looks like $PATH is reseted to its old value right after .autoenv.sh is executed.

Try using export AUTOENV_DEBUG=1 (e.g. in your zshrc).
And then also set -x in the .autoenv.sh file (at the end).

Ok, i found it. My problem had nothing to do with zsh-autoenv 😅.

I found following lines in my ~./zlogin which is sourced on the start of each login shell and override my $PATH after executing the .auto_env.zsh:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin"
export MANPATH="/usr/local/man:$MANPATH"

I renamed it to .zshenv to solve the problem.