Tarrasch / zsh-autoenv

Autoenv for zsh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please add the ability to stash aliases

cazador481 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the report.
I think it should work - what have you tried?

I tried stash dzil and stash alias dzil.
Both tried to stash the env variable dzil, and the second one also tried to
stash the env variable alias

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Daniel Hahler notifications@github.com

Thanks for the report.
I think ti should work - what have you tried?

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#43 (comment)

I've added a test for this (#44) - it seems to be working.

If you could provide a failing test for your use case that would help a lot.

Ah, but the test has no env variable with the same name.

It seems that the env variable is then preferred over the alias?!
Should both be handled in your opinion?

Meh, also not run the actual test locally, which seems to fail really.

Using autostash alias some_alias="echo NEW_ALIAS"' seems to work however.

Actually in my case I didn't have an ENV variable matching the alias, but when I tried to stash again it told me that I had already stashed the env.

Assuming this is fixed/resolved - at least it is tested by now.
Please let me know / reopen if I've missed something.